♡ Surprise Fight ♡

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Rani P.O.V

But my moment of peace was shattered when I spot Todoroki wasn't alone. In fact, in front of me was not only Todoroki, but Endeavor too.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

I glared at the back of Endeavor's head, before slowly standing up from my leaning position. Just in front of Endeavor was Todoroki, who had an angered expression on his face.

As soon as I spotted him, my expression softened. In the back of my mind, I quietly cursed Endeavor for what he had placed his family through.

"That sick bastard..." I mumbled under my breath. Luckily, neither Todorokis' heard me. I took a breath in, trying to calm the growing anger inside of me, before making my way slowly towards them.

As I got close enough, I could hear the conversation the two males were having.

"You aren't going to tell me I'm in the way?" Endeavor Questioned Todoroki. "You need to control your left side. You're letting it all out and it's dangerous. But, Thankfully, You have abandoned your childish tantrum and finally become the perfect upgrade for me. After you graduate, you will come work for me, and I'll lead you down the path of the mighty."

"I didn't abandon anything," Todoroki stated quietly and sharply. "There's no way I could." I watched as Todoroki lifted his left hand to his face, staring deeply into his palm while he continued. "It's just, back then... For that one moment... I forgot about you. I had people who supported me, and that was all that mattered."

Todoroki then looked up back towards Endeavor. I didn't know his father's reaction, and in truth, I didn't want to know. Before either could say anymore, however, I spoke behind the two. Both of the boys' attention shifted to me instantly, with surprised expressions on both of their faces.

"Hey Endeavor~ Nice to see you again." It was only a moment before his expression shifted from shock to anger.

"What do you want, Fujimoto?"

"That's not a very nice way to treat a family friend~ I just came to congratulate my friend on his match."

"Family friend?" I heard Todoroki question, noticing the shock in his voice.

"Of course! My parents were very close with Endeavor, isn't that right Enji?" Endeavor eyed me directly, growling quietly under his breath. "But that all changed when you turned into an Asshole. My parents decided they didn't want someone like you around their daughter. They told me the story, you know? Maybe I should recite it for Shoto's sake?"

With a smirk on my face, I began to make my way past Endeavor and towards Todoroki, but was stopped when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.

When I turned my attention back to the now enraged Flame Hero, I noticed that his fist was flying towards me at incredible speed. From the corner of my eye, I saw Todoroki's expression shift from his natural monotone look into one of shock and worry, but it was only for a moment, as I suddenly raised my hand, using my quirk.

Just before His fist hit my face, I quickly formed a water bubble just in between the two. His Fist smashed into the bubble bursting it, but that was intentional.

The purple water flew from the bubble and onto his burning trash face, blinding him for a few moments. The time of Blindness gave me the opening to quickly step to the side and trip him. I didn't need to even have my eyes open.

When I turned around, I saw Todoroki looking at Endeavor, trying to stop a laugh from escaping his mouth, while Endeavor was laying, face down on the ground, basically eating dirt. It took him a few seconds to process what had happened before he swiftly stood up and turned to me.

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