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Rani P.O.V

As Todoroki and I made our way to the infirmary, It was only a few minutes before he speaks up.

"So... Your parents knew my father?"

I nod, hands behind my back and a smile on my face. "Correct."

"How?" Shoto Questions.

I turn to him as we round the corner, answering his second question. "My parents are pro heroes and went to school with him. They were really close, but things changed pretty quickly once he got older..."

Shoto remained silent, as if giving me the 'okay' to continue on.

"From what I've been told, he became obsessed with trying to beat All Might. At First, my parents thought it was a faze, so they mainly pretended that nothing was happening, but occasionally had conversations with him when it went too far. Apparently, our families used to see each other alot, and I would always hang out with 3 kids. 1 female and 2 males."

"I have a sister and 2 brothers... Do you remember them at all?"

Before I can respond, we arrive at the entrance to the infirmary. Todoroki opens the door for me, letting me in first, before entering himself. He shuts the door, and I point to the bed, before responding to his question.

"I only know silhouettes. Whenever I try to remember, I just see outlines." I then make my way over to a cabinet, bending down and looking for a top.

"..How old are you again?" I hear Shoto ask quietly.
"14. Didn't you hear me when I told your father?"
"Sorry.. I wasn't quite paying attention to the conversation."
"Makes sense."
"But, that makes me older than you. Surely I would have remembered you.. right?"
"I would assume so, but at the same time, I don't remember you either."

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Narrator P.O.V

"Interesting.. I'll be sure to ask Fuyumi." Rani simply nods, finally standing up from her crouched position and making her way towards Todoroki. She hands him a new uniform, before stepping outside.

Todoroki gets changed, thoughts of the story Rani told him filling his head. If what she was saying was true, then she knew his siblings, and they could be considered Childhood friends. But at the same time, he thought it was odd that she had no memory of him, neither did he. He found it odd, and made a mental note to ask his sister when he returned home.

After a few minutes, he steps out of the room and finds Rani on her phone. She's sitting on the ground, doing something.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Rani P.O.V

I was on my phone, reading the messages I've missed since waking up, when suddenly I see a hand reach out from in front of me and offered to me. I turn my attention away from my phone, to find the owner of the phone was none other than Todoroki.

Smiling to myself and him, I placed my phone in my pocket and give him my hand, to which he helps me up.

"Such a gentleman, Shoto." Todoroki simply chuckles and as I walk away, I failed to notice him rubbing the back of his neck.

The two of us are making our way back to our classmates, chatting about all sorts of things, when we're stopped. We hear voices ahead of us, and from the words, we could make out, it didn't seem very nice.

Both Todoroki and I turn to each other, but without waiting for him to speak or act, I make my way towards the commotion. When we finally arrive, we see a purple-haired male being pushed up against a wall, surrounding him are 3 other males.

Battle of the Heroes | My Hero Academia x Rani FujimotoWhere stories live. Discover now