♡ Fight ♡

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Rani P.OV

I woke up the next morning, feeling somehow energized. When I got home the evening before, I found my brother, sister, and my Grandmother in my living room. Turns out that my Grandad had an appointment in the city, so they decided they wanted to come and see how I was doing.

I spent most of my night explaining to them what had happened since they left, and went to bed super late. I went downstairs, only to find breakfast already on the table.

After eating, My Grandmother explained to me how my brother, Hitoshi, wanted to come to school with me, not to mention how she and my Grandad were going to the doctors that day. She added that she had already spoken to the school, and the principal was completely ok with it, which was a surprise to say the very least. After I got ready, my brother and I made our way to U.A, with him bouncing off the walls on the way there.

As we entered the gate, Hitoshi looked around with his mouth open. He kept switching from looking right to left, up to down, and overall was extremely excited to be there. I shook my head slightly, smiling at my little brother as I lead him to my classroom.

As Per usual, the hallway was a buzz, and I got a few stares here and there for the little boy following me. On the way up the stairs, I found Uraraka smiling to herself and walking to class. Rushing up to her, I tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and smiled at me.

"Hey, Rani! How are you today?"

"Just a little tired, yourself?"

"I feel pretty good! Although, I have to ask, who's that?" She questioned. When I turned my head, I saw her looking at my brother. He was looking at her with a smile on his face, although he was respectful and silent.

"Oh, right. This is my little brother, Hitoshi. He normally stays with my grandparents, but since they had somewhere to be today, I'm looking after him."

"During School hours??"

"Yeah, The Principal was ok with him being here though, so..." At the end of my sentence, I shrug, before I feel a light tug on my green skirt. I look down to see Hitoshi staring up at me.

"Hey Rani, can we get going now??" He whined. I looked at Uraraka, who simply laughed. The 3 of us made our way to the classroom, with Uraraka asking Hitoshi all sorts of Questions.

Since Uraraka and Hitoshi were caught up in their conversation, I was the first to reach the door. I looked behind and saw they were close enough, so I decided to enter before them. As I did so, however, from the corner of my eye I spotted something flying towards me.

Without thinking, my body reacted on its own. I turned to face the back of the classroom and caught the item, which was a chair, in my arms. Using the force the sudden stop had made on the chair, I lifted my legs up, and almost did a fan-kick mid-air. When I landed, I turned swiftly and placed it down. For the first time that morning, I managed to get a look at the classroom.

The chairs and tables were in complete disarray, a circle had been formed around 2 students, who I immediately recognized as Todoroki and Bakugou. Iida was standing outside of the circle yelling at the two of them, doing the weird hand movements he normally does. Most of the class had their attention focussed on the conversation, but Midoriya ran over to me.

"Rani! Are you ok?" I nodded and smiled at him.

"Yeah, of course. But where the hell did the chair come from, and *what* the hell is going on?" As I finished my sentence, Hitoshi and Uraraka entered and looked around. Both of them rushed over to us, Uraraka looking as confused as me.

Battle of the Heroes | My Hero Academia x Rani FujimotoWhere stories live. Discover now