♡ Mother's Day Special ♡

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Rani P.O.V

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"Rani, Rani! Can you do that thing again!" Sakura explains, looking at me with a sparkle of hope in her eyes.

"Yeah! Come on Rani, that was really cool!" Hitoshi adds, bouncing up and down beside his younger sister. I couldn't help but smile and shake my head at the two of them, how did they have so much energy this early in the morning?

It was 7 am on the 10th of May. Sakura, Hitoshi, my dad and I were all already up and downstairs, leaving our mum to rest. I'd been keeping Sakura and Hitoshi entertained while my dad prepared them breakfast.

He was making mum's favourite, Pancakes with melted butter, sugar and strawberries. He'd just finished breakfast for everyone when she came down the stairs, looking over us with a surprised expression. My dad, Hideyoshi, walked over to her and gave her a hug and a kiss, before speaking.

"Happy Mother's Day darling."

Sakura and Hitoshi were the next to follow, running towards her with the energy I still questioned and envied. Mum bent down and wrapped her arms around them, giving them a tight squeeze before letting them go. As they ran off towards the table to eat, I finally made my way towards her and opened my arms, the two of us sharing a quiet but loving embrace. "Happy Mother's Day," I semi-whispered, giving her a smile before taking her hand in mine.

For the rest of the morning, the 5 of us peacefully sat together and relaxed. We put on mums favourite movie and all sat in the living room, changed of course, despite not going out. It was peaceful, spending Mother's Day with just the 5 of us, but little did I know that someone else had something planned.

Around 11 am, the doorbell suddenly rang through the house, my family turning to look towards that direction with confused expressions. None of us had invited someone over, so we were a little confused. Eventually, my parents turned to me, signalling for me to answer the door. Without saying a word, I get out from my chair and walk in that direction, placing a hand on the door handle before pulling it open.

Standing just outside my door was Todoroki, purple and white flowers within his hands and a small blush on his cheeks. I was too surprised at his sudden appearance to comment, however, and I spoke a short second afterwards.

"Shoto? What are you doing here?" I questioned.

He turned to look at me, taking a deep breath in before responding.

"Morning Rani... Sorry if I'm bothering you, But is your mum in?" He suddenly asks, looking to me with a shimmer of hope in his gaze. I take a moment before slowly nodding, moving out the way to let him in.

My mum and dad, who were both still sat the dining table turn around towards the entrance, both a little confused when they heard his voice. Shoto walks in hesitantly for a few moments before my mother suddenly gets up, making her way over to him. When they meet, Shoto hands her the flowers and offers her a small smile.

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