♡ Planning ♡

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Rani P.O.V

If you had told me the day before that I would be spending the next afternoon watching Descendants movies with the girls in my class, I would have called you crazy and walked away.

But nope, that's exactly what I ended up doing. Momo invited myself, Mina, Tsu, Eclipse, Hagakure, Jiro and Uraraka to her place to watch the first 2 descendants movies. Surprisingly, everyone enjoyed them, and afterwards - we just spent a lot of time talking about it.

The next day when I walked into class, everyone was a talk about the play. The girls were talking to the boys about the main storyline, besides Eclipse that is. After a few moments, she walked over to me, a big smile on her face.

"Hey Director." She said, earning a eyebrow raise from me.

"Excuse me?" I questioned in return, only for her to chuckle. Bakugou, much to my surprise, suddenly turned away from Uraraka and to us, speaking instantly.

"You were the one who suggest this Princess, plus you know the most. Fitting you'd take the lead on this one."

I smiled for only a moment before it turned into a smirk, raising an eyebrow at Bakugou. "Oh? You're giving me the lead? That's new."

"Only cause you know more!"

"What was that?"

"Shut it, Princess."

"Try me."

"Oi, Stopping teasing Bakugou!" Eclipse whined, elbowing me slightly to the side giggling. I turned to her and smiled as well, before looking at everyone else. They all had their attention to us, waiting for me to say something.

Before I had the chance to, however, Momo suddely stepped forward. "Morning Rani! We explained the first two movies to the boys, so everyone is up to date."

Nodding my head at her, I smiled. "Thanks Momo. That helps a lot." I then turned to everyone else. "So, before we can get started on anything, I think it's about time we sort out roles."

Both boys and girls alike looked around at each other, excitement present in their eyes. Jiro was the first turn back to me, a small smirk on her face. "Alright, so. Who do you think she take what role?"

"Wait, you're letting me choose?" I questioned, slightly surprised.

"I mean, you do know the most about music and the movies, ribbit." Tsu started, taping her chin ever so slightly. "Besides, we believe that you'll know what role fits us best. Of course, we'll have our own say, but yeah ribbit."

Tsu turned around to look at our classmates for a moment, watching as they all nodded together. After a few seconds, they turned back to me and smiled once again. I took a moment before sighing, looking over everyone.

"Okay, so.. As you can guess we'll need an Evie, Carlos, Jay, Ben and Mal, and what I'm thinking... Although the last bit sounds crazy.. I'll be Evie, Shoto can be Carlos, Iida can be Jay, Ben can be Uraraka and Midoriya can be Mal."

"Deku as a girl? This I gotta see!" Bakugou teased, smirking at Midoriya. Just as he did so, however, I turned to him and glared ever so slightly.

"Don't think I haven't forgotten about you. Uma makes a return in this movie, and due to your relationship with him, I was thinking you could be Uma."

I watched as the Bakusquad tried to hold in their laughter, receiving death glares from Bakugou. I took this as a chance to continue speaking.

"Other returning characters include Fairy Godmother, Jane, Chad, Audrey, Harry, Gill, Doug and Dizzy. I was thinking that these would be played by, in the same order, Sero, Haru, Mineta, Momo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Aoyama and Mina."

Battle of the Heroes | My Hero Academia x Rani FujimotoWhere stories live. Discover now