33: The Truth

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Nana's POV

I feel hopeless, weak, nothing to do but only letting these abyss making me suffer by doing some harsh test day and night. I haven't eaten since I got kidnapped, and I really need food right now. Yeah, they gave food but only left overs.

And now I'm inside of the round glass, just like a special statue that was forbidden to touch, with some operations to test on me. The demon prince was about to get my powerful side, which I didn't really use while fighting since I didn't know that I have these specialty but good thing it didn't really happen since he heard that all the heroes he sended just run away to the Moniyans, I heard he scolded them for being reckless back there.

All of the Moniyans...I have a bad feeling that they all get damage, get injured, has wounds and scar, bruises... And all those sacrifices are just for me, for the useless Leonin.

I tried to open my eyes to see what's happening, I did open my eyes but not fully wide. I saw the guy, who always take test on me and gave some torture, he was writing something while standing right infront of me. I tried to move of my body parts but it was no use.

He kinda telled his name which I sometimes forgot since I'm busy handling all the pain the gave for me.

The guy looked up on me and saw that I'm awake, "Oh good morning there little one," he greeted me, I just remain silent since this glass makes me forbbiden to move any parts of my muscle. "I have good news and bad news for you," he smiled yet in a devil way as he touch the glass, "I'll tell the good news first," he lets go of the glass as he took his wand and start roaming all around the glass.

"You don't have to suffer of all the pain I gave you for the test," he said, I don't know if I'm kinda relief or something. I can't made any expression, I was to tired for everything they've done for me. "The bad news is..." he touch the glass agin but this time with his two bare hands. "As we took your specialty, you'll soul will seperate on your body." he devilishly smirk, "For short, you'll die."

My heart pounded fast for all what he said, from the word 'die'. I still have to leave, I don't want to make anyone who were close to me cry of my death. I'm fine if I die in sickness but not this way. I tried to be positive right now but I really think it was all now useless.

And ever since I got here, I discovered the truth. My first and ever best friend... Changè... God, if I've discover all those no of this won't happen, being kidnapped by this stupid demons just to took this 'specialty' that I have. This specialty was from my father who died with my mother years ago, and it was these annoying demons who killed them, for disturbing my peaceful life.

And ever since they died, I never used most of my mage side. I used a weapon instead of magic, which Miya taught me. She's the one who gave me a boomerang, I can't use my magic back then so she reccomended to use marksman weapon instead.

And ever since she gave me that, I get comfortable with it and forgot that I was a mage, I can still use magic though but only scaring people with molina that I spawn and summon three paws on the ground. These were the only magic that I can use till now.

And about Harith... he taught me how to defend, protect and attack. Improving my skills so I'll be able to fight on my own but all the things he taught me was useless, I haven't done anything, I only cried... for knowing that he cheated on me and run away. I really regret everything, he's the one who protected and care for me yet I'm the one who got mad for just seeing him cheating on me, he didn't really cheat though so I'm the one who has a problem here.

If I haven't gotten outside, these stupid monsters took me. I really felt guilty for hurting Harith's innocent feelings, he truly loves me so dearly yet this stupid me yelled at him that we should break up.

And now, this is the end. They'll took my powerful mage side and slowly die, I have no choice but to accept my fate. "Advance farewell, Nana." the guy smirk and chuckled devilishly, yeah goodbye you smarty pants.

Then the guy left out of my sight, switching for the girl who has purple skin and cyan hair. I haven't see her around, she just did some operations on the glass then suddenly the glass dissappered and makes me fall on the ground.

She gave me the food for me to eat, but it wasn't left overs, it was real and delicious food. I look at the girl and she just smiled as her response. She kneeled down and help me sit properly, "Eat up, since none of the member of the abyss know that I gave you realy food instead of left overs." she said, "I felt bad for you for eating our left overs like a dog so..." she took the spoon with food on it and placed it near on my mouth, "Here," she smiled.

I just look at her blankly, all of what she said was like true, her smile that she gave me was no fake at all. "Hurry, if they found out about this I'm doom." she said, and ofcourse I didn't hesitate and start eating greedily. This will be the day that I'll enjoy my last meal.

After she put the glass visible again, making me continue to suffer again. "I apologize Nana, I'll find a way to escape way back home." she said, I just stared at her. I can't make any reactions now since I'm already inside the glass again, unable to do anything. Then she left the room, and now I'm all alone.

Minutes passed I closed my eyes, I'm now physically sleeping, mentally awake so I'm aware of everything around me even though I'm closing my eyes. And right now I'm just waiting for the time when I meet my death, that's my fate so I need to force myself to accept it.

I'm sorry... Miya, you did everything for me even though your not my real sister but you treated me as one. And I also apologize for... staying with you forever...


Sigh, she can't even hear me. Why would I think that she's here with me.

Then I suddenly heard a young male voice, it isn't really clear but I can feel that voice was really familiar. He was shouting and calling my name in a mad tone.

"Harith?" I thought.

Okay, this will be for now.

Late update I know, but I thanked you for your patience, waiting for my updates for you to read and I really appreciate it. That would be all for now.

See ya~😘💕
(Apologies for my misspelled words ;-;)

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