40: Be mine again

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Nana's POV

Staring deeply into the gradient sky, sun slowly hiding replacing with a moon, not bright as the sun but will give guide to anyone who'll walk under the night, and can make a beautiful scenery. It's now been years since the incident happened, years of suffering turns into peace, time really flies so fast isn't it?

For six years of controlling my discovered skills, I can finally manage to use it on a battle, using it without getting out of stamina so easily, stronger now as ever.

All of those achievements are all thanks to Harith, without him I still can't manage to use these hidden magic that I haven't use for so long.

A pair of hands were attach to my shoulders, I turned and saw Miya was behind me. "Happy Birthday Nana," a smile form onto her lips, giving a warm feeling on the inside. Oh wait, birthday? I forgot it's my anniversary of the day of birth, "Forgot your birthday again?" Miya chuckled.

"Ahaha, sorry bout that." she rubbed my head, messing with my hair. "Oi, don't treat me like a kid!" I complained, combing my hair with fingers. "I just missed you treating as a kid," she let out a sigh. She hugged me from behind, resting her chin into my shoulder, "Your a grown-up lady now," she said.

Me with no response just looking up in the sky, stars shine so bright with the moon up in the sky, giving light at night and making a beatiful scenery.

"Ya know I went here to call you, to enjoy the rest of yout special day," Miya break our silence, I guess I've been here for too long. "Shall we go inside now?" I nodded in agreement.

Miya hold my hand and gently pulling me back inside the house, as we were both inside I saw Harith holding a single red rose onto his hand. "H-happy Birthday, Nana." he handed the roses towards me, I took it with both of my hands and looked at him. "Thank you," I smiled.

"Enjoy the anniversary of your birth till it lasts," he said, and I nodded as my respond. "Thank you," my reply
Then we all went to the dining room, and start feasting on our dinner. It's only the three of us here but atlease we can still enjoy it, having fun and more surprises they did to me.

Sadly Alucard isn't here with us.

It's be complete if he's here with us, like families do. We just spend for like few times and suddenly he lost his life. Should I really consider that it was all my fault? It feel like it really is.

"Nana is there something bothering you? You look so...down." I came back into my real senses. "You've been at your meal or minutes and haven't bite a single one, what's wrong?" Miya worriedly looked at me, Harith also looked but only with a blank expression.

"N-nothing at all," I laugh nervously as my respond, "Go finish your meal and I'll wash the dishes later," my excuse. "Nu uh, the birthday girl ain't washing the dishes tonight, Harith will." she looked at him, Harith chuckled. "I will," he smiled as he take his empty plate to the dishes.

He did really changed a lot since the war I see, Miya might not notice it but he always just....smiles.

Not that it's wrong to smile always but, it's kinda too much. Like being furious, sad, he just covered it with his sweet smile. Surely but maybe I'm the reason why, won't he try being mad for being the cause of Alu's death?

Why I lived when I'm the reason most of heroes lost their lives, I should be the one that leave this world. I don't deserve this, really.

If only I can turn back time, and fix everything. Bringing all the innocent souls back into this world, in exchange of mine, especially Alucard's life.

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