17: Missing

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Harith's POV

In the stormy night, I was looking at the dark sky with thousands of raindrops, seeing some watermarks on the glass window. The weather is kinda windy so it was cold.

Good thing I have my blanket to wrapped on my body, but it's still cold.

" Have a hot soup Harith" I tilt my head, meeting her blue eyes. She was holding a tray placed with two bowls of soup. She placed it on the table and lend my bowl, " Thanks Nana." I thanked, she smiled and took her bowl and sipping it slowly, I did the same thing.

" Feel warm now?" she asked, I tilt my head and nod. " I didn't think that storm can be stronger than I expected," she said. " Me neither" I responded.

" So, from what you said that someone told you about your dream. Who is it?" Nana asks, " Her name was Lunox, she was considered as the most powerful mage in the Moniyan Empire." I said, " She was also known as the balance of light and dark" seeing Nana was amazed by my story.

" Where is she now?" she asks, " Well, I can only see her in my dream. I don't know if she was existed or real." I answered

" What talent that she can do?" she asks amazingly or, " I don't know, but from my as far as I've known from the Academy. They say that Lunox can see our future, on what will happen" I explained, " That's why she knows that you're in danger" I added.

Her reaction was just like "wow" she can't believe it. " She was powerful and amazing" she commented. " I wish I had her skills" she said.

" Hey, it doesn't mean that your skills are too easy to handle or useless. Your also amazing, I must say that your skills are kinda annoying" I comment. " Really?" she asks, " Yeah, it was perfect for a team fight" I said.

She smiled at me, " No one has ever told me that before, thank you Harith" she smiled as she said that.

We've noticed that the rain slowly fades away, means that the rain stops. " What time is?" I ask, cause my eyes were slowly closing. " Time to sleep kitty" she said.

She stands up and takes the empty bowl. " You should go to the room, I'll be there in a minute" she said and I agree. I kissed her forehead before going.

As I went into my room, I laid in my bed. We didn't do anything today except training Nana, so it's kinda boring and not so tiring.

Seeing Nana went inside of the room, getting her toothbrush and her towel then her pajama.

She noticed me that I was laying down doing nothing, " Aren't you gonna take a quick shower or something?" she asked, " I'm too lazy right now." I answered.

" You should brush your teeth and take a shower first" she said. " How about you'll brush and wash me" I said with a smirk.

Then suddenly a towel throws onto my face, seeing her glaring at me. Woah, she was scary. " Ok, ok, I'll do it!" I immediately stand up from bed, take my toothbrush and towel and rush towards the bathroom. "Hey I should be the one first!" hearing Nana banging the door while yelling.

" But you said I should brush my teeth and take myself a shower first" I responded while brushing my teeth, " Why you!" she gets angry, " Watch your words pancake or else you'll have punishment."

Few seconds, she didn't reply back. I guess she's scared from the word "punishment" Ha! That will do.

After, I've already done. As I enter the room, seeing was Nana was glaring at me, crossing her arms. I just chuckled and went closer to her, giving a pinch on her nose. " Your next pancake" I said smiling.

" I'm too tired of doing my routine, because of you" she responded, " But you'll smell bad if you won't take a shower" I said grinning. " I don't care" she replied, ignoring my sight. I smirk even more.

I went closer to her, forcing her to face me. " Maybe you prefer if I'll wash you" I smirk even more. Seeing her face was getting red, " Pervert!" she takes her towel and her toothbrush before rushing through the bathroom.

And now finally, I can lay on my soft bed. I laid on my bed and started to get sleepy.


" Kitty wake up!" I woke up from disturbing me by Nana. " Big bro Alu was on the living room with his friend." she said, " What's with them?" I ask they say that they wanted to talk to us.

Suddenly sleepiness was lost, I immediately stand up and rush to the living room to see Big Bro Alu and a ponytailed man. Who was he?

" Good morning Harith" Alucard greeted me, " Same with you big bro" I replied back.

" Meet Zilong, the Son of the Dragons" he introduced the man who was sitting on his side. " Nice to meet you young man and lady" he greeted us. " Same with you Zilong" Nana waved at him smiling.

" Sorry for disturbing you two, but something was missing." he said. Missing, what do they mean missing? " My young sister Chang'e was missing for a month." Both of us got surprised,

" When did you last see her?" Nana asks, " After a day when she said that you guys meet." Zilong answered. Woah, she was gone for a long time. " I have no idea where did she go." he said.

Nana and I got worried about Chang'e, I hope she safe. " We come in here because we want to alarm you in case you saw Chang'e" Alucard said. " But what if the abyss caught her?" Nana wondered. " But why would they want her?" Zilong ask.

Then something came into my mind, faces me an idea. They kidnapped Chang'e for their resistance against us, to get Nana. I told them the idea, they actually believed at my point.

" But why would they want you, Nana?" Zilong asks, " I don't even know, Harith just told me that I should be here staying at home." Nana answered.

" You should be" Alucard answered, " We will tell the princess about this issue, in case there was a war coming."  he continued, both of us nod in agreement.

" We leaving now, thank you for letting us in" Zilong thanked us, " You're always welcome" Nana replied, " Protect you self Nana ok" Alucard said hugging Nana, " I will Big bro Alu, " And you Harith, protect Nana" he said patting my holder. " I'll do anything for my love of my love" I said, seeing Nana was blushing from embarrassment.

" I know I can count on you" he said messing my hair, I just smiled. " See you guys next time" Both of them waves at us, we did the same thing.

" Chang'e was missing" Nana wondered again, " For a long time" I wondered too, as I put my finger on my chin thinking about the crime.

" I hope she's okay" Nana said,  " Me neither" I replied back. " I'll make breakfast, just sit there and wait" Nana said before going to the kitchen.

I stared at the window, seeing the nature outside. Thinking about the incident, " I wish this problem will be ended."

Woahhhh! Too early too update. Hahaha, surprise guyss!💞😍

Christmas was soooo close, and A New Year. Geez, time was so fast😐

See you Kitties and Racoons!💞😍😘

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