Let's get something straight

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Hi. I won't be posting chapters for a bit mostly because of my disappointment in the fandom right now, and the fact that the guys are being HOUNDED right now with drama and bullshit.

I don't even know HALF of the crap going on. But the fact that Sam had to say something is just depressing. This fandom is taking things way too far with Colby and Amber. If they are together! Good! I'm happy for them! I wish them the best and hope they are happy! But apparently some of ya'll can't be accepting of that. Colby is 23 years old and perfectly capable of making decisions on his own and deciding who he wants to go out with, we as fans, don't get a say in this because it's HIS LIFE, we're here to support him, not go absolutely ape shit over this.

Don't get butt hurt because you didn't end up with someone who doesn't even know you exist, I hate to be harsh but that's the reality of the situation. Not everyone is going to live their fanfic dream, if anyone ever does. I write fanfics because it's easy to write, and I enjoy it. Doesn't mean I ever expected MYSELF to get with him. Face the fucking reality. Leave Colby and Amber alone about what is going on between them because this isn't your choice to make, and you certainly have NO RIGHT to be making up bullcrap without taking THEIR WORD FOR IT. Not to mention IT'S NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS.

The fact that Sam posted something, disproving the Brennen and Amber plan, saying it was 100% fake and not real, and yet there's STILL PEOPLE SAYING THEY DON'T BELIEVE HIM SIMPLY TO SPITE OTHERS is absolutely ridiculous, and childish. Grow the hell up. 

I've heard of the things around Brennen and I'm going to be more wary about including him in my story from here on out, I do know a lot of the things said about him were true, and I don't want to include him in the story due to that. However I believe everyone is deserving of forgiveness if they take the proper steps to do better and be better and take responsibility. I believe in educating people to do better, rather than bringing them down because of their mistakes. I've heard a lot of allegations against him, and I'm not sure how true all of them are ESPECIALLY after that stupid audio spread around only to find out it was fake. I can't trust what anyone says at this rate until it's confirmed by ACTUAL sources. Cancelling someone is just another excuse for bullying, stop tearing someone down because that makes you JUST AS BAD as them. Don't believe everything you hear, because unfortunately social media influencers are constantly surrounded by drama whether they want to be or not, and a lot of bullshit is made up to make them look bad, and give the other person more attention. I'm not saying there aren't bad people out there, including influencers, but I'm saying don't believe everything you hear until you know for a 100% FACT that it's true. 

That said, I refuse to post anymore chapters in this story until things cool down. If I see any hate towards any of the people mentioned above, I'm reporting the comment and having it removed. No questions asked. I won't tolerate that bullshit on my page. 

It's been a stressful time for the fandom, so if anyone needs to talk, rant, etc. please reach out to me. I completely understand how overwhelming it can be when things get crazy. I'm an empath, meaning I'm very in touch with other people's emotions, and I feed off of that. When other people around me get excited my excitement is ten fold. When other people are hurting, anxious, sad, depressed, I get the same way to the point that I can't breath depending how many people are involved. So I completely understand feeling stressed out and overwhelmed by everything going on, so if you need to talk, please, please, reach put. Don't bottle it up, it'll make it worse.

I love you all. Once things start to cool off and clear up, I'll be back to posting. 


One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now