Chapter 21

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I collapsed onto Colby and I's bed and sighed. The flight home was unnecessarily frustrating. Everyone in the state of Washington decided it was the perfect time to go to LA. Of course the usual LAX traffic was bad but the plane ride was crowded and every other person brought a baby. And not one parent tried to quiet down their screaming child. I mean I can understand if you need to travel with a baby, it happens, but PLEASE try to keep it quiet. At LEAST make an effort so we know you're at least trying to be considerate of other people. 

Dad is doing okay. The surgery went really well and he's on the road to recovery. In 6 to 8 weeks we'll be flying back up to Washington for dad's first chemo treatment. We'll see how he does over the week and then we'll head back home. It's going to be a very long process with a lot of hoping and possible praying. I've done my best not to jump to the worst case scenario. I don't want to overwhelm myself or my family. We're taking it all one step at a time. 

"Tired?" Colby asked as he our bags down against the wall. I sighed softly.

"Yeah, just a little." A moment later I felt his entire body weight land on me and I groaned.

"Colby!" I whined. He laughed and kissed my back before rolling over.

"Sorry I couldn't help it."

"Jerk," I muttered and sat up. He was laid down on his pillow, one hand behind his head, while the other rested on his chest. His eyes were closed and I watched as his chest would rise and sink to each breath he took.

I lifted a hand and began to comb my fingers through his hair. He used to complain about me messing with his hair, but over time he seemed to relax and enjoy me combing through his hair. He stopped fighting me and eventually would come and sit in front of me so I could do exactly that. He had recently dyed his hair to a dark blue. Blue was easily my favorite color that he's done, it brings out his eyes so breathtakingly. 

"I'm glad dad's doing okay," He said softly. I smiled a bit at his words and laid down next to him, resting an arm over his middle.

"Me too." I frowned. "You know we have to be ready at a moment's notice to run back to Washington right?"

"I know," He answered, opening his eyes to look at me. "We will be."

I nodded. "Okay."

"I called my parents about it," He continued. "They're praying for his health."

"Tell them I really appreciate it."

"I will."

"How's Gage?"

"He's good." He turned on his side to face me. I tucked my hand up by my face. "He's busy with life but he's good."

"I'm glad to hear that," I smiled. He lifted a hand and smoothed my hair back letting his thumb lightly stroke my cheek.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing better," I answered honestly. "I mean, I'm not going to be okay knowing my dad just got a surgery for cancer, and has to go through chemo. But I'm doing better than I was when he first collapsed."

He nodded. "I'll take that answer." He kissed my nose, making me giggle softly.

"I'm sorry for what happened. I was being irrational."

"It's okay. I forgive you, you're getting better at controlling yourself. Baby steps are important."

"Thank you for being there."

"I'm your husband," He chuckled. "It's what I'm here for. But even then, I WANT to be there for you. Married or not."

I smiled at his answer. "You always seem to know exactly what to say."

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now