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The music played in the background as night show host, Jimmy Fallon, is now live again.

"Welcome back from that commercial break! We are now joined by someone who has made a name for herself in the music world in just 3 years, gaining millions of fans all over the world. Please welcome Ms. Brook Clarke," Fallon gestured to the brown haired, green-eyed girl next to him.

Brooke smiles at the crowd--who gives a very loud applause--and waves. The short red dress sat loosely along her thighs, her long hair in a half up-do. Her make up done lightly as she isn't one to like a lot of make up on her face, just enough for the sake of the cameras and lighting.

The crowed quieted down and Fallon looked over to Brooke with a smile.

"I gotta say it's an honor having you on the show," He told her.

Brooke smiles gently as she speaks. "Well it's awesome being here Jimmy, thank you for inviting me."

"Of course! Of course!" He grinned. "Now, a pretty big announcement was made recently." Broke started nodding while smiling, knowing what he was talking about. "You just recently announced your engagement to a certain someone."

Brooke laughs as she responds. "Yes, because it's true, see?" She held out her hand showing off the ring. It was the same one Colby proposed with nearly 3 years ago. It was a simple gold band with a small diamond in the middle.

"That really is a gorgeous ring, but so much more...simple than some of the other celebrities' rings," Fallon pointed out. "How come?"

Brooke put her hand down and crossed her legs, adjusting in the seat. "Well actually the ring is a set that Colby got from his mother, Lesa. Lesa's dad got the set from his mother which is what he proposed to his wife with, and then she passed it onto Colby's dad, Layne, to propose to Lesa with. So it's a family heirloom in a way."

"That's very fascinating, so that ring has been around since Colby's great-grandparents?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"Well, while we're on the topic of the engagement, is there a date set yet?" He asked.

Brooke shook her head. "No, not yet. We're still working out the details. Trying to get both of our families in one place at the same time is more difficult than we thought it would be. But we really want them all there."

"Is it going to be a big wedding?"

"No, it's gonna be as private as we can make. The reception will probably be bigger, but the ceremony itself is a very private moment between us and our families. We want to keep it to our closest friends and family for that."

The crowd began to coo with "aw's" as Brooke explained this. She laughed a bit covering her mouth. 

"Well we are all very excited for this wedding, which we thought was going to happen 3 years ago when you were first making a name for yourself," Fallon gave her a bit of a side eye in a joking way. She chuckled a bit awkwardly.

"Yeah, well," She started. "It didn't work out that way. Neither of us were really ready to get married, and it was awkward to get through at first but Colby and I really do love each other, we knew this would be worth the wait."

"Now you two already live together right?"

"Yes, we just recently moved in together," She answered. "Us and couple of our friends. It's temporary for now since Colby and I are getting married, but it's nice living with everyone."

"Is it a big house?"

Brooke and the crowd laughed a bit. "Yes, it's pretty big, but we have to fit a lot of people in the house."

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now