Chapter 27

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I sobbed in the office for about 20 minutes. I was overwhelmed with so many different emotions. 

I'm pregnant. 

I was overjoyed with the idea, but terrified. Excited, but anxious. What if this pregnancy ends like the last one?

I didn't play music on my way home. I kept quiet, clutching the ultrasound pictures in my hand. In my head, I imagined that if I let go of them, I'll wake up from an amazing dream where I get pregnant again. And if I do, then I might just die from the disappointment. 

I also thought of different ways to tell Colby, my friends, and my family. I had to tell Colby first and foremost. He's the father after all, he needs to know first. 

I came to a red light and stopped, letting myself lean back in my seat. I dropped my hand to my stomach and my thoughts swirled. I felt tingling at the end of my finger tips as I ran them along my stomach. I kept repeating in my head "I'm pregnant" over and over again, hoping to make it seem more real. My head was spinning as I repeated it, as if belief couldn't quite reach the logical part of my brain. 

Before I knew it, I was pulled into our driveway, sitting there, staring at the house. What was I gonna say? Should I wait? Should I tell Kat first? No, he'll see the pictures before I tell him. He'll be upset if I don't tell him immediately. I gotta tell him now. 

I looked in my rear view mirror and saw his Corolla sitting in the street, yes for some reason despite the amount of money we have, he still drives that Corolla--it's part of his identity at this point. He has somewhere to be tomorrow, so I guess he let me park in the driveway so he could get out easier in the morning. I took a long breath and turned my car off, and climbed out, clutching the pictures so tight I almost forgot to grab my purse. One by one, I reached the door and managed to get it open. When I looked inside Colby was no where to be seen.

Bentley came up to greet me happily, wagging his tail. I scratched his ears and crouched down to his height. I heard talking upstairs, and recognized Sam's voice. By the sound of it, he was on the phone with Sam about something. 

I looked at Bentley and took his face in my hands. I leaned my forehead to his and took a long breath as a smile slowly spread across my face. 

"I'm pregnant, Bentley," I whispered. He tilted his head curiously trying to see my face, and when I pulled back he started to sniff me. He eventually went to my stomach and whined. He had been acting weird around me, like my smell had changed, and now I see why.

"Wanna go surprise Colby?" I whispered again. Bentley smiled at me and we went upstairs together. I stuffed the pictures into the pocket into the pocket of my sweatpants so Colby wouldn't see them immediately. 

I carefully opened the door to our office. Colby was sat in his chair on FaceTime with Sam. Sam saw me first and waved, making Colby turn around. He grinned when he saw me.

"Hi beautiful," He greeted. I walked over and leaned down to kiss his cheek. Bentley came over and sat next to Colby who leaned a hand over to pat his head.

"Hey handsome," I smiled at him then looked at Sam. "Hi Sammy!"

He grinned at me. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. Is Kat there?"

"She is," He turned away from the camera. "Hey Katrina! Brooke wants to say hi!"

A few moments later her face popped up and I grinned and waved at her.

"Hey girl! You feeling better?"

"I'm okay. Listen I have some news," I started, and looked at Colby. "I was gonna tell you guys one by one, but since we're all here..."

"What is it?" Colby asked, looking worried. "Did your doctor find something?"

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now