Chapter 39

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"I can't believe we're actually having a baby shower now," I laughed, looking at the list of stuff we want on our registry. 

"Well we didn't PLAN on having two kids," Colby huffed as he ran around the room in a panic. He and Sam are leaving this weekend for the recording of their first video for this series. They've chosen a couple different locations to go to, and this week they're starting fairly easy with the abandoned YMCA. Then they're gonna fly out to the eastern United States to go to the abandoned city and a couple of other places. They're just going to revisit old locations with the XPLR stickers in them, including the Silos and they want to end it all at the abandoned warehouse in Kansas where it all started. I'm very paranoid about them getting arrested again but...I understand why they're doing this.

"You alright?" I chuckled.

"Yeah I just want to make sure I'm packed for this coming week," He sighed, stopping to rub his face. They aren't getting all the locations at once. Just doing a few every couple of weeks to keep a low profile. Hopefully within the next month or so they'll have all the videos they need, then it's a matter of waiting until our girls are born. And since we're having two girls, we're naming one Penelope, and the other Lucia. We're still debating on whether we want to give them middle names or not. I want to, and so does Colby but we don't have any name ideas. At least they have first names, I guess.

Colby found what he was looking for finally and sat down next to me on the bed. I was in bed with my feet propped up, they were swollen. God, pregnancy sucks sometimes. He laid down more and leaned his head on my shoulder while I went through the list and added things to our registry. When I finished that I put my phone down and closed my laptop. Colby threw an arm over my stomach and relaxed with a deep sigh. His head was now resting across my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the top of his head.

"You promise to be safe right?" I mumbled into his hair. He nodded.

"We'll be smart about this," He answered. "I swear to you we will."

I nodded. "Alright."

I felt a kick against Colby's arm and giggled. He laughed a bit and moved so his hand could rest it where the kick was.

"I guess I got in the way," He laughed.

"No it was a gentle kick," I disagreed. "I think she was saying hi."

"Hi baby girl," He cooed to my stomach. "Are we awake?"

"And apparently hungry," I huffed. "I need to eat."

"What are you in the mood for?"

"Let's go find out," I sighed pushing the blanket off of me. I began to get out of bed but lost my balance and fell backwards. Colby laughed as I laid there miserably.

"God I hate being pregnant," I groaned, rubbing my face. I put my hands out. "Please help."

He laughed a bit again before getting up. He grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet carefully. I sighed once I was up before kissing his cheek.

"Thank you." I started walking downstairs and Colby followed. We walked into the kitchen together and I started looking through the food we had. Nothing looked appealing though. I sighed and closed the fridge again then went to our pantry before stopping and looking at Colby.

"Sushi," I said. He raised an eyebrow at me.


"Yeah, that's what I want. Sushi."

"Love you're not supposed to eat uncooked fish," He chuckled. "Too dangerous for the baby."

"I know that's the worst part of this," I sighed. "I gotta find something else."

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now