Chapter 43

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I stretched and reached a hand across the bed, forgetting that Brooke wasn't there. I turned my head to the empty spot in the bed and felt a slight ache in my chest. 3 more days until she's home.

I sat up and rubbed my face, and jumped when Bentley turned his head to me. He was laying down at the end of my bed, smiling at me. I chuckled a bit and leaned forward rubbing his ears. He got really excited when I got home yesterday, he was jumping up and down for me which was hilarious to watch. Today I'm taking him to get groomed, his fur is getting a little crazy and Brooke is worried about stuff getting stuck in his fur. 

"Good morning, Bentley," I smiled at him. He panted at me happily then hopped off the bed and looked at the bedroom door. I chuckled. 

"Yeah, it's definitely time for breakfast." I checked the time. "And we have like an hour before we have to leave, so let's go." I got out of bed not bothering to put on a shirt, and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I filled Bentley's food bowl and water then got myself a bowl of cereal. I spent some time just going through social media to see what's going on. 

Sam has rescheduled the trip for next weekend. But we should get a lot of our recording finished within a month as long as things go well. We're worried about doing our breaking in stuff again, but it's a good way to bring this channel to a close, going back to what started it all. It's weird to think that the channel is ending but it's not like our social media career is over. We've still got our personal channels that we'll post on. And no matter what, Sam is still my best friend, nothing on this earth will change that.

I was surprised to get a text from Liana. She'd been quiet the past week and I thought she might have given up, I guess I was wrong.

L: Hey

C: Sup

L: You back in LA?

C: Ya, got home yesterday

L: How's Brooke?

C: She's good

L: Is she with you?

C: Why?

L: Idk, I'm bored. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out

C: Um...I guess. I gotta take Bentley to the groomer's though, then I was gonna head over to Sam's for a bit

L: It's up to you

I sighed as I debated. I didn't like the vibe I was getting from her, something is definitely up. She seems to like Brooke, which surprised me, but I know she has other motives. But I did agree to give her a chance, Brooke told me it might be worth giving her that chance too, so maybe I should just see what happens. Give her the benefit of the doubt.

C: Sure, I'll text Sam and see if he's up to having another person along the ride

L: Ik he doesn't like me so don't stress 

C: You can at least go to the groomer's with me

L: Sounds good, should I come over there?

C: Yeah that's fine we can take one car. I wanna take Bentley to the dog park afterwards

L: Okay, what time?

C: Uh, asap, I have to leave in like 30 minutes

L: K, I'll leave in a few minutes

C: See ya

I put my phone down and rubbed my face. God, please don't let me regret this. I looked at Bentley who was laying down the floor. His tail started wagging when I looked at him and I smiled a bit.

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now