Chapter 47

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I groaned and sat up, rubbing my face. I can't sleep. It's hard to sleep without Brooke there with me, but tonight it's worse. My head is throbbing. I don't get a lot of headaches. But when I do, they suck. And this one is keeping me awake. 

My thoughts are racing. I keep worrying about Brooke, her dad...especially what he asked of me about Sky. He wants her to live with us, at least until she can get back on her feet. Will she do it? Would she move in with us? The fact that we even had to talk about that is...horrifying. 6 months. That's all the time we have left with him and he lives over one thousand miles away. 

I threw the blankets off from my bed and draped my legs over the end of the bed, my elbow dug into my knees as I held my face. I've done good about focusing on this trip and recording the videos. I check in on Brooke regularly and I thought it was fine. But I guess it's worse than I thought. 

I looked around our hotel room. Sam and I leave back to LA in the morning, we're trying to get some much needed rest before our 6 am flight...speaking of which.

I looked at the time and saw it was only 1 in the morning. I'd only been tossing and turning for an hour, though it felt much longer than that. Why am I awake though? I haven't had this issue the past few days. We weren't doing any overnights, just our old exploration videos, so we go out and explore a few places, find the old stickers then go to a hotel and hunker down for the night. I've slept fine, so why is this happening now?

I sighed and stood up going to the bathroom. I grabbed a water bottle from Sam and I's bag on my way there. I shut the door, turned on the light and downed my water, hoping it would help my headache. I sat down on the toilet seat and rubbed my face again, my head already felt a little better, but I know it hurts because I'm overworking it. I can't stop thinking

A knock resounded at the bathroom door, nearly scaring the shit out of me. Which granted, isn't a bad place for that to happen but this isn't the time for jokes.

"Colby?" Sam's voice whispered. "You okay?"

I breathed out a sigh. "Yeah." I stood up to open the door and let Sam walk in while I sat down again, he squinted against the harsh hotel bathroom lighting.

"Why are you up?"

"Sorry if I woke you."

"It's fine. What's going on?"

I put a hand to my forehead. "Head hurts. It's keeping me up."

"Uh huh..." He mumbled, not fully believing me. Sam always seems to know when something is bugging me, but that would make sense considering how long we've known each other. He walked away a moment and when he came back he had a Tylenol and 2 Ibuprofen, he dropped them in my hand and I chuckled.

"Brooke's trick?"

"It works like a charm, believe me," He chuckled, sitting on the edge of the bathtub in front of me. I quickly took the pills, downing the rest of my water and dropping the bottle in the waste basket to my right.

"So what's going on?" He finally asked again. I gave a long sigh, debating on how to word what I wanted to say. He's usually good at understanding what I mean but it's hard to explain.

"I'm worried," I finally said. 

"I see."

"You aren't gonna ask what?"

"I imagine there's a lot you're worried about. For one thing, Brooke is back home in LA. Pregnant with twins. You're likely worried about being away from her. I also imagine her dad is on your mind. I also imagine you're thinking about Sky too and what you're gonna do there." He listed these all off, crossing his hands in front of him. He finally met my eyes again. I smiled and nodded a bit, dropping my eyes to my feet.

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now