Chapter 52

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"So how was the first night?" Dad asked me as he adjusted himself in his wheelchair next to me. I looked at him and I guess my face gave it away cause he started laughing. I must have looked awful.

The night started off okay, Colby and I went to sleep and slept a grand total of 3 hours before the girls woke up crying--both wanting to be fed. And because of my incision, I couldn't feed both of them at the same time, so I had to nurse Lucy while Colby paced the hospital room trying to soothe Penny. Then once Lucy was done, we switched, and he focused on getting Lucy to burp and go back to sleep while I nursed Penny. 

Lucy wanted to be bounced and Penny wanted to be rocked. Lucy also liked being sung to while Penny wanted peace and quiet.

For being identical twins, these two are very opposite. 

3 hours later they're finally sleeping again and the sun is rising so Colby and I tried to get some more sleep but Penny ended up waking up crying again, so Colby got up to get her and try to get her to go back to sleep, and once she finally started calming down, Lucy started crying too which scared Penny and made her cry again.

Now, the girls are finally asleep but neither of us have moved to lay them down--worried they'll wake up again. Colby is falling asleep sitting up, his head keeps jerking as he tries to stay awake and my eyes are burning making me wish I had eye drops with me. 

"Rough night?" Dad asked with a quiet chuckle.

"Yes," I answered quickly.

"Terrible," Colby added. 

"You'll get used to it," Dad nudged me and I sighed. 

"I don't regret it...but I'm tired."

"After the day you had yesterday you really need to sleep," Colby said from his spot. He lifted his head to look at me. "Want me to take Penny?"

I shook my head. "No she'll start crying again. I've got her." He nodded and put his head back down against the back of the couch, his hand repeatedly patting against Lucy to keep her asleep. They both have their pacifiers in which helped lull them to sleep but not for long, hopefully they'll stay asleep this time.

That's when I smelled something funky and groaned. 

"Diaper..." I muttered. "Man...and they just went to sleep."

"You two know how to change a diaper?" Dad asked. We both nodded.

"Brooke signed us up for a class to learn how to mundane things like that," Colby answered, pointing to me. "We knew we were having twins and wanted to be as prepared as we could with at least the basic necessities of raising a, children."

 Before we could say anymore, there was a knock at a door and a nurse walked in. Colby and I instantly shushed her and she nodded in understanding.

"Just need to check vitals for you and the babies," She said. Carefully she went about checking myself and the babies' vitals and recorded them.

"Need anything?" She asked after doing so. I nodded.

"Extra diapers? Pretty please? We're about to have our first diaper change."

She grinned like that was the most exciting thing she'd heard all day--what has this poor woman seen?

"No problem! I'll run and get those for you, hang tight just a minute." She quietly hurried out and shut the door behind her. I looked at dad and sighed. He smiled at me.

"Feeling blessed yet?"

"Somehow a dirty diaper isn't my idea of a blessing."

Colby snorted. "It was to that nurse."

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now