Chapter 36

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"What?" I gasped. Retire the duo channel? 

"Why?" Kat asked, now taking Sam's hands. Sam nodded a bit at Colby and looked at Kat with a small smile.

"We've been talking about it for a while. There's a lot changing in our lives. Brooke is pregnant, and Colby is going to be a dad. You, Kat, you're about to go on a world tour and we're going to get married. There's so much change happening, that it just doesn't seem like we'll have a lot of time left for the duo channel. We're moving on with life, and it might be time to leave this part of our life behind us." Sam looked really sad as he said this, and when I met Colby's eyes I could see he felt the same way. 

"Colby?" I asked quietly, trying to get his attention. He sighed a bit and smiled at me softly, taking my hand in his. 

"We've talked about this a lot, and we've both decided that it's time. We want to do one more series to kind of tie off Sam and Colby. And Sam came up with the idea of going back to our roots and finding some of the stickers we put up," Colby explained softly. "A good wrap up for the series. A way to say goodbye."

"We'll still post on our separate channels, and of course do videos together. Just not on the duo channel. Maybe we'll do more ghost hunting on the side, maybe explore places from time to time. But with MetaLife and our separate channels, plus both of us moving on with just seems like it might be time to bring Sam and Colby to a close," Sam added. Kat looked ready to cry. I felt it too. For years it was always Sam and Colby. But life moves on, and doesn't stop to let you catch up. They always knew a day like this would come, that the channel would retire so they could focus on their personal lives. Because the best part of being a Youtuber? You have that option. And it's not like they're quitting for good, they still have their personal channels that they'll post on every's just hard to hear that they're ready to retire the channel.

"Is that really want you two want to do?" Kat asked. "You really want to retire the channel?"

They made eye contact but smiled a bit. Colby looked at Kat and nodded.

"Yeah, we do."

"Why didn't you tell me this?" I asked, lifting a hand to his cheek. He leaned into my touch with a smile.

"We weren't for sure. We wanted to come to a solid decision before saying anything to anyone," He admitted. "I was going to tell you, I guess I was still coming to terms with it. Plus the just never felt right."

This changes things. Doing a XPLR series is an amazing way to bring the channel to a close. They've discovered so much, and seen more of this world in their youth than most will see in a life time. XPLR is where it all began. And it's only appropriate for it to be the way it all ends.

"Okay," I whispered. Colby raised an eyebrow at me. 


I took a shaky breath. "XPLR is where it all's only appropriate for it to be the way it ends."

"Brooke?" Sam questioned as I said this. I smiled a bit at them both.

"I hate it, and it scares me thinking something bad will happen, but," I locked my gaze to Colby's. "I think you guys need to do this."

"I agree," Kat sighed. "I don't like it, but she's right. You guys need to do this."

Colby leaned forward and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug, which I returned. It's hard to believe it, but they're gonna do another XPLR series. I'm not sure when, hopefully before the baby is born. Maybe after. I guess we'll see how it plays out. 

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu