Chapter 37

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For the record, a new character is being introduced and will have a relation to Colby. This is a completely made up character for the sake of the story. Please do not try to find this person on social media because this character is made up and doesn't exist. If this person happens to be found in the real world then it is purely coincidental and not at all intentional. Thanks <3


"Yeah I'll be home later tonight," I said into my phone. "Sam and I just want to kinda organize this trip out and try to work around peoples schedules. We're meeting up at a Starbucks and we're just gonna hang out."

"You sure you don't want to do it here?" Brooke asked. 

"I know you're not feeling well today so I'll let you have the house to just rest."

"I feel a little bad...if you need to do work then you can have them over."

I chuckled. "Don't worry about it. You just rest and if you need me just call."

"Okay, well, be careful. I'll see you when you get home." She yawned at the end of her sentence and I laughed a bit.

"I'll see you then, love. Go get some sleep."

"I will," She giggled. "I love you."

"I love you too."

We hung up and I started my car. I had stopped at the bank briefly to get some cash before meeting Sam. Brooke was asleep when I left, I woke her to tell her I was leaving but I don't think she was fully awake when I told her.

She had been up all night with nausea and feeling restless. Now that the baby is kicking and moving around it's keeping her awake. Plus she still get's nauseous from certain smells or tastes. She actually got up at 4 in the morning to brush her teeth again because her breath was bothering her. I slept most of the night but if she got up then I did too to make sure she was okay. It was easily the worst night she's had so far. Sam and I had already planned to meet up to plan out this final series for the channel, but I called to tell him not to meet here so Brooke could sleep. 

I figured Brooke would feel bad but Starbucks works out fine because I get sugary drinks, even if I don't like coffee all that much.

I pulled into a parking space and walked in the door. I was happy to see no one paid me any attention, hopefully that meant this Starbucks visit would be easy and we wouldn't get interrupted too much. I ordered my drink and pastry then went off to the side to wait. I texted Sam too to let him know I was here. 

S: I just pulled in so see you in a second

I put my phone down and watched the door to see him walking up, sticking his keys in his pocket. He walked in and we embraced.

"Hey man," he greeted as we pulled back. "How's Brooke?"

"Feeling better but still exhausted."

"I can't even imagine," He chuckled softly. "Did you order?"

"Yep, just waiting."

"Cool. I'll go order real quick, once you get your stuff wanna find us a place to sit?"

"Sure thing."

So we did that. Sam got in line, I grabbed my order and went outside and found a seat. It was outside and we'd be more likely to be seen that way, but it keeps us away from the noise inside and gives us a sense of privacy. 

I played on my phone a bit while I waited for Sam, who walked out with his usual drink. I smiled as he sat down.

"How's Kat? You mentioned she was sick," I sat up a bit, putting my phone down. Sam shrugged.

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now