Chapter 40

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"It's all good man," Sam reassured me over the phone. "We can put this trip off until further notice."

"Thanks for understanding," I sighed, rubbing my face. I looked at Brooke's sleeping form. We're in the airport waiting for our flight to board. It was a last second flight but we managed to get a cheap one taking us to Washington. We've hardly slept, but after we got that call from Sky we immediately booked a flight and started packing. It's 6 in the morning now and the flight leaves in like 30 minutes.

"Of course. Are you guys okay?" 

"I don't know," I admitted. "Brooke is sleeping right now but she threw up before we left. The anxiety and shock after just waking up I think really threw her off. And with this...I don't know Sam, I'm worried."

"I know," Sam sighed. "This is easily worst case scenario with her dad...I just didn't think that..." He didn't finish, he didn't seem to have the words. I didn't either. None of us expected this. We expected Kent to get better and everything would be fine by next year...but now with his first grandchild on the way...

"What did the doctor say?" Sam asked.

"Not much. We'll get more info when we get there."

"Keep me updated alright?"

"I will," I promised. "Sorry for waking you up by the way. I was anxious and needed to talk to someone."

"It's all good man, you can call me whenever. Katrina wants to say something."

"Is she awake?"

"Yeah she woke up when my phone went off."


A moment passed and Kat's voice came over the phone. "Hey, Colby."

"I'm sorry for waking you, Kat," I said. No greetings.

She laughed softly. "It's okay. I just wanted to say that I love you and Brooke both. If you two need anything let us know alright?"

I smiled a bit. "Thanks Kat, that means a lot."

"Everything is going to work out in the end alright? Just give it time."

"I know."

"Stay strong."

"We will. Thank you Kat. You alright with watching Bentley while we're gone?"

"Not a problem."

"Thanks so much."

"Have a safe flight." A moment passed and Sam's voice came through the phone again.

"She's gonna go back to sleep. I should too."

"Yeah, go for it. We'll be boarding in less than an half hour anyways," I agreed. "Sorry for waking you again."

"Don't apologize. I'll cancel the tickets when I get up."

"Okay. See you man."

"Have a safe flight." 

We hung up and I plugged my phone in, letting it charge while we waited. Brooke stirred and I saw her eyes open and she sat up. I watched her carefully.

"Hey," I greeted softly. She rubbed her eyes.


"You alright?"

"I think so," She sighed and looked at me. "I's a lot to take in...I'm not okay with this. But...I'm not going to worry until I know what's going on."

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now