A/N: Taking a break...

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Hey guys! So I know updates have been kind of lacking lately, I'm well aware of it. Something you should know about me is that if I focus on one thing for a long period of time, for example writing, I tend to hit a rut. I've hit a bit of a writer's block, not in the traditional sense of "I don't know where to go with this story" but more along the lines of "I know exactly where this is going but my wording isn't the way I want it to be." I've hit more of a burn out than anything else to say the least, and some of you might have noticed that in my writing--either trying too hard or not enough in some cases.

I do want to continue this story, but if I want to be as good as I imagine it in my head, I need to take breaks from writing from time to time to focus on other stuff and rekindle my creativity. If I keep updating as it is, the chapters will get sloppy, and I'll slowly begin to hate the story. I don't want that to happen. So I'm gonna take some time away to just kinda breathe and let myself focus on other things going on in my life, and let my creativity and wording return to me. 

I hope you all understand, I promise to continue this story in due time. I don't plan to take more than like 2 weeks away at most. I pinky promise.

And I'll have you know I take my pinky promises very, very seriously. 

The face reveal will happen soon, with the weather getting nicer (finally) I can actually record a video for my Tik Tok, so I'll get that ready to post for when I come back. If you guys wanna talk at all feel free to message me either on Instagram, Tik Tok, or just DM me on here--I'm always up to talking to you guys!

Thanks for the patience everyone! I'll see you guys soon!


Instagram and Tik Tok: _.brock.golbach_ feel free to message me if you want :)

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now