Chapter 30

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I squinted against the sun as it poured into the bedroom, I could still hear birds chirping, telling me it was still pretty early. With a sigh I closed my eyes and turned over, but found that the bed was empty. My eyes opened and I realized Brooke wasn't there, though maybe she went downstairs already. 

I sat up slowly and pushed my hair out of my face. I stretched before reaching for my phone and checking the time. It was just past 7 in the morning. Crazy earlier for the two of us. I went to bed kind of early last night, Brooke came to bed later. I had a long day of recording, so I was exhausted. I wondered where she was now though. 

I carefully climbed out of bed and stalked downstairs, not bothering with a shirt. I tried to rub the sleep from my eyes, but it didn't seem to be working. A shower would probably help though. 

I got downstairs and when she wasn't in the living room, I walked into the kitchen, expecting her to be brewing her morning tea or something. When she wasn't there I started to worry a little. Where did she go? Usually she tells me if she leaves...or leaves a note.

I checked our table and sure enough, there was a note sitting there. I picked it up, recognizing Brooke's handwriting.

Morning sleepy head,

I'm okay. Kat invited me to hang out with her today, and wanted to get an early start. I didn't want to wake you since I know you were exhausted after yesterday. I'll be back later so we can make dinner. You should invite the guys over, it's been all business with you 4 lately, so take some time to just enjoy yourselves. I love you <3


P.S. I made eggs and bacon. They're sitting on the stove in a covered pan, so they should still be warm when you get up.

I smiled at the note and placed it back down on the table carefully before going to the stove. Sure enough there were eggs and bacon in a covered pan, and when I lifted the lid, they still seemed to be warm. I served them onto a plate before sitting down to eat and go through Instagram and Twitter. Nothing much has changed, there's still tweets about Mikey's emergency from a week ago, but it's dying down slowly. Brooke had tweeted a few days ago, asking people to stop asking her about it. She told them that it's a personal situation, but that Mikey is going to be okay, and that he just needs time to recover. 

Most people have been supportive, but others have been judgmental, not that that's unusual. 

I finished breakfast and got some water before going into the living room to relax. I flicked through Netflix for a little bit, Bentley ended up joining me. He looked tired like had just woken up. He hopped up on the couch next to me and laid back down, I rubbed his ears before going back to my show. 

The time ticked away for a couple hours before I got a text from Sam.

S: Yo

C: Yo

S: You busy?

C: Nah, your fiancee stole my wife

S: Lmao I was about to say the same thing

C: You and the guys wanna come over? I'm kinda bored

S: Can't function without Brooke still I see

C: Some things never change

S: Apparently. Alright the guys and I will be over in a few

C: See you all soon

I got up and got dressed before the guys came over. I mean, I could lounge around shirtless, especially since the guys are used to living with me. But I put a shirt on anyways. I did the dishes and fed Bentley while I waited for the guys to show up. Sam bust open the front door to announce that they were there.

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now