Chapter 35

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"How's he doing?" Mikey asked through the phone.

"Better, he just got the stitches out yesterday," I answered. 

"Good...I'm glad you two are safe. I had no idea any of this was going on." His voice was pained.

"It's okay Mikey. You've been in recovery--less TV. I get it, we're okay now though," I smiled. 

"I'm glad to hear that, super star," He sighed. "No more surprises okay?"

"No promises," I giggled. "Life always seems to throw a curve ball at us."

"Yeah. I've noticed," He chuckled. "How's pregnancy?"

"Long and agonizing. I find out the gender of the baby in 6 weeks though."

"Only 6 more weeks! Yes!" He cheered making me laugh. "Any name ideas?"

"Well if it's a girl we were thinking Penelope and call her Penny, or Lucia and call her Lucy. If it's a boy we were thinking Roman and calling him Ro, or Oakley and calling him Lee," I explained. 

"Those are the cutest names in the world," Mikey gushed making me giggle. "You could combine them. Maybe Lucia Penelope Brock, or Roman Oakley Brock."

"That's actually kind of genius. I'll talk to Colby about it."

He went quiet a moment. "Damn, okay I gotta go."

"Everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah my dog just threw up on the rug," He sighed. "I'll talk to you later Brooke."

"See you Mikey."

We hung up and I leaned back against the couch. I heard footsteps and saw Colby walking over with Bentley trailing behind him happily. Bentley was really depressed when Colby was missing, ever since Colby came home the only person Bentley seems to follow anymore is Colby. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous over it.

"So Mikey had a good idea," I started as Colby sat down.


"So we can't decide between two names for a boy and girl right?" 


"Let's combine them. Lucia Penelope, or Roman Oakley."

He chuckled. "Why didn't we think of that?"

I laughed too. "I'm not sure. It's cute though, I like those names."

He thought a moment and nodded. "Yeah I do too." He smiled at me then put his hand over my stomach, letting his thumb trace circles. The kid is getting big, I haven't felt any kicks yet though my doctor said I should start feeling kicks and movement within the next week or so. 

I lifted my hand to his face and had him turn his head a bit so I could see the wound on his head. It looks a lot better and is already scarring over. I lightly ran my fingers over it as those 3 days replayed in my head for the millionth time. Trying to sleep that first week didn't work out very well, one of us would always wake up in a cold sweat from nightmares and have to make sure the other was okay. Our friends were worried we'd have to go see a psychologist about it, but the second week got easier, then this last week we were able to sleep through the night with few interruptions. It's taking time, but we're healing. Colby's still waking up at night, but it's getting easier I think, he seems more rested and more himself. 

His parents knew about everything going on, my family did too. I kept them all in the loop. They all came to visit the weekend after it all happened to make sure we were okay. They were all horrified at Colby's injuries but he assured them that he was okay. I thought Lesa was ready to commit murder at the idea of her son being kidnapped and shot. Sky seemed ready to do the same, she kept saying she'd go to the prison and beat them up herself--I managed to convince her out of it fearful that she was serious.

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now