Chapter 25

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"Okay, that's the last one!" I sighed, and turned to Colby who smiled at me from the doorway of our new home. I looked around at the living area with the electric fireplace to my right. It was as beautiful as it was in the photos. It was about  3 million dollar house. It wasn't small but it wasn't like the mansions you see other celebrities living in. It doesn't have a pool, but we're thinking about getting one set up in the backyard, and we're going back and forth on whether to do an in-ground one or not.

It has 5 bedrooms and 4 full baths. The master suite is pretty incredible in all honesty. It's on the second floor, with a balcony that lets you look out over our yard, which is a fairly good size for a couple with just a dog right now. It's simple and allows us privacy. We didn't want a big house, cause then we'd constantly have people over trying to make it look pretty. The size of this house is reasonable enough that we can keep it clean on our own, and worry about our own lawn and garden. We want this to be a home for the family we're starting. 

"Well, we got about 6 hours before daylight ends, so we should at least get our bedroom ready to sleep in." Colby clapped his hands together as he looked at the labeled boxes. Our bed was already upstairs, but it wasn't made. All of the stuff for our bed is packed. We need our clothes and overall, just gotta get that room set up first. We'll probably be ordering out while we try to get everything unpacked.

While Colby and I ran up and down the stairs with our boxes, Bentley raced in and out of the house curious about the new place. He barked a couple of times to get our attention when he saw us from our balcony and I laughed gleefully. 

Colby and I got our bed made together first before anything. Thankfully we had washed the sheets before moving.

"Well, at least we can sleep tonight," he chuckled, looking at the other boxes.

"Okay, uh, I'll start organizing our clothes and all that. Wanna start on the kitchen?" I asked. 

"Sure, yell if you need me." He walked back downstairs to start doing that while I focused on the boxes in front of me. We kept all the doors and windows open for now, this place was going to need a lot of airing out as we unpack all of our stuff. Plus it keeps me calm being able to just smell the outside air as opposed to the air conditioning. 

I took a moment to take something to another one of our rooms. But when I reached the room that would be the nursery, I stopped to look around. It wasn't set up yet, but we knew how we wanted it set up. We have so much baby stuff from our wedding that we needed a room to put it all in, and since we still want kids we decided to go ahead and set up a nursery. 

I let my hand drag on the wall as I walked around in the empty room. We had already painted it and put up the wallpaper around the edges. We painted it a soft blue to make the room feel bigger. Also color doesn't define gender so it doesn't matter what color the freaking room is. It was an average sized room, with a single window that looks over the backyard. It has access to the roof which would be a nice place to sit and relax when it's a nice night. The floor was carpeted. The carpet itself was white, and if there ever is a baby in here I expect it to not stay white long. 

I sighed and absentmindedly put my hand to my lower stomach--thinking of the possibility of getting pregnant. I hadn't been pregnant long enough to truly enjoy it, but long enough to still feel the heart break of miscarrying. Sometimes I wonder how different Colby and I's life would be if I hadn't miscarried. Where would we be right now? How different would our lives be? Would we have moved out sooner for the baby? Would I be carrying the stress of caring for a baby and worrying over my father? 

"What are you thinking about?" Colby asked behind me. I jumped and turned to him.

"God you scared me." I put a hand to my chest and exhaled deeply. He laughed and walked over, wrapping his arms around my waist.

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now