Chapter 33

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I gripped the steering wheel tight in both hands, and looked to my right at the small bag I brought that held the 10 million dollars he asked for. Sam doesn't know I left...neither do the cops...I decided to sneak out when they weren't looking. I felt bad...I was going behind their back despite everything they did for me. 

I especially feel bad for doing this to Sam and Katrina.


I collapsed in the kitchen at the thought of Colby already being dead. My heart was breaking and the anxiety was overwhelming my whole body. I thought for sure I was going to die. I don't know how she did it, but Kat managed to get me to snap out of it and come back down to Earth. When I started showing signs of responding I thought she and Sam were gonna pass out from relief. 

"Holy shit Brooke," Sam breathed. Kat pushed my hair out of my face, she was crying. When did she start crying? How long have we been sitting here?

"Hi babe," She laughed a bit. "You back?"

I managed a weak nod but she took it as an answer. She and Sam helped me to my feet but I could barely stay upright, so Sam got me onto his back, the guys came over to help me since I couldn't jump or hardly move. 

"Should we call an ambulance?" I heard Tara ask, she was at my side suddenly. "She might be in shock."

"I'll get her in a bath and see if that helps, if not then yes, we'll take her to the hospital," Kat answered. I had no strength left. I laid my head down against Sam's shoulder and closed my eyes. I was tired.

"Brooke?" I heard him ask. I felt Kat's hand go to my back. 

"Sam, carry her to the bathroom, the girls and I will help her from there," Kat ordered. I felt Sam nod and start walking. He walked carefully like he was scared of jostling me. 

"You gotta pull yourself together, Brooke," he whispered. I opened my eyes at the sound of his voice. "I know...I know you're scared. I am too. But Colby needs you, okay? Let the girls help you, but we need you back Brooke. Your baby needs you too. This amount of stress could..." He didn't finish his sentence but he didn't need to. Carefully I let my hand twist my bracelet. Sam saw me do this and turned his head to look at me.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to him, I promise," he told me. I met his eyes. That promise felt empty because neither of us knew if he could keep it. 

When we got to the bathroom he carefully lowered me to sit on the edge of the tub and he crouched in front of me.

"Please come back to us, okay? We need you more than you'd ever believe," His voice was shaking. He was right, I really needed to get it together. But my body wasn't doing what I needed it to. 

"The girls are gonna help you, I'll update you on anything that changes when you're done, alright?" When I didn't answer he sighed and stood up to leave but I quickly grabbed his wrist.

"Don't-" I squeaked. "Don't leave until Kat get's here."

He nodded and sat down in front of me. And we waited, I could hear talking coming from my room. It sounded like the girls getting stuff together for me. This honestly isn't the first time that the girls have seen me naked. There were a couple of times over the years where I was sick, and Colby wasn't home to help, so Kat and the girls would come over and help. Often times it meant getting me into a bath to bring my fever down. 

"Sam," I whispered, surprised when I didn't recognize my voice. He met my eyes.


"Thank you," I managed to get out. "For being here. I'm sorry I'm not being much help."

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now