Chapter 20

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"So what do you want to do?" I asked dad softly. "You have options. We can fight this."

He sighed softly. "I might as well go through with the surgery. See if they can remove the tumor."

"They'd had to remove part of your kidney too," Sky mentioned. "Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah," He nodded. "I think it'll be okay. I don't go down without a fight."

"We're supporting you with this, dad," Colby smiled at him. "You aren't alone. Whatever you decide, we're with you."

"Thank you, Colby," Dad smiled at him. We all went quiet a moment as dad went deep into thought. We'd been here since early this morning, to talk to dad about his options and what he wants to do. With the surgery, but he'll also go through chemo therapy, after his recovery of course. He's got a long road ahead of him, but there's a chance he can get through this. Even if it was only a 10% chance of survival, it's a chance nonetheless. I'm happy he wants to try, he has a better chance at survival by trying to fight it off than giving in. 

"Does cancer run in our family?" Sky asked. 

"Yeah," Dad answered. "On my side of the family. Lung cancer, brain cancer, and kidney cancer."

"So..." She drew out her response. "Does that mean Brooke and I have a risk of cancer?" 

Colby's hand tightened on my shoulder. I lifted my hand up to cover his. 

Dad hesitated with his answer a moment. "Yes."

We all went quiet as we processed this information. I knew that his dad died of lung cancer, but I always thought it was because my grandfather was a smoker. Maybe it's not that simple after all. I mean, I'm sure smoking was a heavy cause, but if lung cancer runs in the family, it makes me wonder what other health issues there were. On my mom's side there was reproductive issues, hence my miscarriage, along with ovarian cysts, and endometriosis. But I didn't think cancer ran in the family. 

"Well, we can't worry about that now. We've gotta think about your treatment," I continued, taking dad's hand. "Thankfully your daughter is known as a celebrity and will make sure you get the right treatment."

"Speaking of, how on earth did you get onto a $100 flight without getting seen?" Colby asked me. We all laughed.

"I had on a hoodie and fake glasses," I giggled. "I'm sure there's gonna be pictures blowing up on the internet soon."

"The captions will say 'Brooke Clarke seen at airport without her husband! Divorce?'" Sky giggled, spreading her hands in front of her. We laughed again.

"According to the media we're in a very unhappy marriage," Colby chuckled, rubbing his hand across my back gently. 

"Of course we are, can't you tell how unhappy we are?" I snorted. Colby laughed at my response.

"So unhappy."

There was a knock at the door, and a moment later dad's doctor walked in with a smile. We all greeted him, and shook his hand. 

"Good morning," He greeted. "Have we thought over our options?" He sat down on the rolling stool and came up to dad's side, who nodded.

"Yes, I want to go through with the surgery, and with chemo."

 The doctor nodded. "Alright, then we'll get on that as soon as we can."

"When is the surgery going to happen?" Dad asked. "What all does it entail?"

"Well thankfully it doesn't seem to have gone into the veins, and the surgeon will only have to remove part of your kidney. The tumor seems to be around 2 inches, so you can keep your kidney," The doctor explained. "We can't tell if the lymph nodes need to be removed, but we're gonna hope that you can keep those as well."

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now