Chapter 19

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-2 weeks later-

My leg bounced anxiously as the time ticked away, and I began to pick away at the skin around my nails. It was just me in here, not one else. Not Colby. Not Kat. Not my dad or my sister. Just me. The smell of the hospital giving me terrible memories of when Sky almost lost her life to a car accident, and now I'm back in Washington sitting in a similar sitting area, waiting for the doctor to give me information. 

Just a couple weeks ago my dad was admitted into the hospital for screenings to be done, after finding out that his kidney's aren't looking good. He's been acting sickly, running a low grade fever, but seemingly lethargic and nauseated. The screenings were to rule out the idea of cancer. But they couldn't rule it out.

They found a mass on one of his kidneys, and did further lab work to determine what it was exactly. Not long after that they determined it was indeed a tumor, but was seemingly in stage 1. We had time to resolve the issue. Then 2 nights ago dad collapsed at home. Sky rushed him to the hospital and called me, telling me to come home. I took off without a word's notice...


"Hey," Colby answered the phone. I raced passed a few people as I approached my terminal. I was lucky enough to get a ticket in time.

"I'm getting on a plane to Washington," I said quickly. 

"What?" He stated dumbfounded. "Say that again."

"I'm sorry," I whimpered. "Dad collapsed. Apparently he's not doing well, Sky needs me home."

"Where the hell are you?"

"The airport."

"You're just gonna up and leave?!" He yelled. "Seriously, Brooke, did you think this through!?"

"He's my dad!" I yelled back, tears blocking my vision. "I'm not thinking!"

"Of course you aren't," He huffed. "Fuck's sake Brooke, do our vows mean nothing? Through sickness and in health. Why are you doing this alone?"

"I know," I admitted sadly. "I know. You're right." I reached my terminal and looked around. I had 10 minutes to board.

"Where are you?" he asked again. 

"The terminal," I answered. I held a long period of silence, watching as my time to board ticked away. "I can turn you want me to come home?"

He waited a moment before answering. "Yes, I do. But get on the plane. I'll...I'll get another flight."

"I'm sorry, Colby."

"I know. Just..." He sighed deeply. "You can't keep doing this shit, Brooke. You just up and leave without a word. It freaks me out. We promised to do all of this together, remember?"

I nodded before realizing why that was dumb. "I remember."

"Go home to Washington. I'll be there tomorrow hopefully."

"I love you," I said quickly. "I do."

"I know. I love you too. Have a safe flight."

"Are you mad at me?" I asked, worried. 

"I am, but we'll talk about it later okay? I understand why you're doing this, so just go and be with your dad who needs you right now."

"I don't want to hang up if you're mad."

"I don't wanna continue this over the phone. I'm a little ticked off yeah, but I still love you. Nothing is going to change that, now get on that damn plane before you miss it."

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now