Chapter 11

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The day before the big day has arrived. Everything is going to plan. The flowers are ready to get picked up first thing tomorrow. I went by this morning to make sure everything was there and it was, they're holding them until Cindy runs over to grab them. My dress is hanging in Colby and I's bedroom, his tux hanging next to it. 

The cake will get frosted tomorrow morning at 7am and the topper is ready. The decorations are with Shea in her car ready for tomorrow. Colby's ring came in. He's got mine still. Bentley and I have been working on his part for the wedding. Sam got the music ready and it's on his laptop ready to go. Everyone who needs to be here for tonight and tomorrow are here. Lesa has been racing around helping to prepare. We had to force Sky out of her dress but she complied. Everyone has an outfit for tomorrow as well.

Colby and I have written our vows. Mine is tucked away carefully in the little bag I'm bringing with that has emergency make up and tissues. Colby has his tucked into a pocket on his tux. Lesa has also brought an emergency kit in case something rips on my dress or on his tux, she can stop and fix it quickly. The licenses are with the guestbook that Cindy will bringing. I've got the frangipani flower for my hair. It's a little hair clip that I'm bringing with me to the salon tomorrow. I've gotten my hair trimmed so it's easier to work with. 

Right now we're at the beach the wedding will be held at, practicing for the real deal. There's two small gazebos that we rented for changing and whatever needs to be done, along with pictures. Tomorrow there will be a curtain of sorts to kind of act as a doorway to the aisle so that we can enter as the officiant announces each person down the aisle. For the music we decided on the traditional wedding march, no need for anything extravagant as far as that goes. 

Right now it's just the rehearsal so nothing exciting is set up and the guests will be standing for now--no chairs. The officiant is here to practice and help us rehearse. I was trying to hold myself together. I was on the verge of an emotional breakdown. I was excited, but terrified, happy, but nervous, everything was happening all at once. 

"Okay, so after the bridesmaids and the best men walk through, the flower girl walks out, followed by, finally, the bride and her father," The officiant explains. We all nodded. "I've got the list here, so I'll announce everyone as I will tomorrow. Let's run this like the real thing."

We all hurried behind the curtain except for the people who will be the guests. The only people here are the ones helping with the ceremony and the reception. All of us walking down the aisle hurry back where the curtain is supposed to be and line up in order. Each groomsmen hooking arms with a bridesmaid. Colby walks out first, before I come out of the changing room, then, Kat and Sam, Tara and Jake, Corey and May, Devyn and Elton, then Gage and Sky, then my little cousin, Sophie, will walk out with the flower basket, following behind her will be Bentley (who has practiced following her a couple times and has NAILED it), then I will walk out with my dad. 

As dad and I stood there waiting we talked softly.

"It doesn't feel real yet," I whispered.

"It won't until after the first night," He chuckled beside me. 

"You think so?" I asked. 

He shrugged and stepped forward with me. "It's different for everyone. Your mother said it didn't become reality until that veil went over her face."

"Did you cry when she walked out?"

"Oh I sobbed," He answered with a small laugh. "As soon as those doors opened and she walked out, I started sobbing. I couldn't believe a beautiful woman like your mother was about to be my wife." He went quiet a moment and looked at me with a smile. "She'd be so proud of you, Brooke."

One Thing Right -Sequel to The Best of Our Love(Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now