❁ Chapter Twenty Nine - Repeat

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He pushed me behind him as he reached for the gun from his double shoulder holster. I couldn't see anything because of his large frame that shielded me, but I could hear the five loud gunshots.

I heard the bastard talk, but comprehension didn't quite catch up with me. I stood on my toes to look over Reeve's shoulder at the fucker who fell face first to the pavement. I stepped on the side of the muscular body, my hand raising on Reeve's hard arm.

"Damn, you got him good-"

I didn't manage to finish my sentence that my gaze was drawn back to Reeve, who meekly swayed to hold onto me. My eyes widened when I saw the blood smeared on his white shirt.

"Fuck," he grumbled, clutching his chest to try and hide from me.

I froze for a moment as his weight heaved against me. Snapping myself to reality immediately, I wrapped an arm around his torso with the intention of helping him walk, but he was too heavy for me. I helped him get to the top of the stairs from the terrace. My heart fell somewhere in my stomach as I stared wide eyed at the blood spreading on his shirt. By this point, the tears were too much for me to hold back, my hands were shaking how they never shook before.

For the first time in my entire life, I looked at a bleeding wound and I had absolutely no clue what to do. It felt like the past was repeating itself, only that now I couldn't do anything. I blocked. I… I couldn't even look away from the pierced shirt soaked in thick liquid.

The thought of seeing him hurt scared me, but the reality felt like it had ripped the heart right out of my chest and stabbed it with a dagger, as if it wasn't enough the ripping part.

"Piper," he breathed, closing his eyes tightly before opening them again. His undeniably warm, yet rough hand rose my palm to his softened figure and spread it on his cheek. I followed the movement with my gaze, only to see the assuring smile weakly curling his lips. His body was tense, but his features were relaxed. "I love you," he whispered.

My heart clenched in fear of the message his expression sent me. He was saying goodbye!

"No!" I shook my head, refusing to have it. "You're not saying goodbye! You're not leaving me, you son of a bitch!" I gritted, getting a sudden grip over myself.

I sat up on my knees and ripped his shirt open, tearing the buttons off. I forced the blazer off his thick arms and tore it apart, to use them for stopping the bleeding. He groaned as I pressured the wounds with the fabric, but I didn't care. A little pain for a happy, long life he could endure.

"What the fuck is going on?" Damen came running on the terrace with Dad and Logan at his side.

I looked up at them blankly. "Get an ambulance right now!"

Damen's eyes became twice the size as he spotted his partner bleeding on the ground. Logan and Dad didn't even wait. Dad ran from the terrace hopefully to get the paramedics who were in front of the restaurant, as Logan hurried to the dead dickhead, bleeding on the pavement.

"He's dead," he stated after taking a good look at the shooter. Damen put the gun back in it's place and looked at the dead body, next to Logan.

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