❁ Chapter Twenty Six - Insecurities

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I stared down at my cup of coffee as my mind wandered to unknown places. Like the past half an hour, my nail kept ticking on the paper wall of the cup.

"Pip, are you alright?" Logan snapped his fingers in my face, making my tired gaze drift over to him. I looked around our table, at our other two siblings that were just as worried of my silence. Jerome's brows furrowed, probably rewinding what happened yesterday.

I knew he still didn't understand my silence or yesterday's shows, but he didn't ask me anything this morning. He acted like nothing happened, which made me feel better. He didn't mention anything to Logan or Damian either.

Even if Jerome couldn't mind his own business, he could keep his mouth shut if needed to.

As about why we were here, Logan had set up a meeting. More of a family meeting so we could discuss what present Dad deserved for his birthday. I was utterly silent as I absently heard what they talked about.

"Are you alright?" Damian repeated Logan's question worriedly.

"Yeah," I cleared my throat, looking away from them. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine, Piper," Logan stated in a low growl. "What in the hell is going on with you?"

"Jesus, you think she'll tell you? She didn't even tell me and I asked her non-stop this past month," Jerome groaned, acting it off better than me about last night.

It wasn't like he did some discoveries, but... he definitely had some suspicions over last night. He was too smart not to have.

"Maybe she'll tell someone who's not mentally deranged," Damian commented, pursing his lips at the end.

"Mother is mentally deranged, not me, so please..."

"She can be a bitch, but she's nowhere near you," Logan mumbled, taking the coffee to his lips.

"I don't understand why you think I'm so deranged. The fact that I like seeing people suffer doesn't make me deranged!"

"Why don't you scream louder, dumbass?" Damian rolled his eyes.

"That's exactly why you're the psycho of the family," Logan spoke over Damian's sentence.

"I'm not a psycho," Jerome said, glaring at both our older brothers.

And just like that, they continued bickering over Jerome's mental sanity that definitely lacked, allowing me to return in my mind. Well, after last night, I wasn't so sure anymore his mental sanity lacked. He... surely managed to comfort me how only Logan and Damian did when I was a child and had nightmares.

Pushing another thought in the back of my head, I concentrated on something else. Something, like the conversation I had today with Samantha over the phone.

"I need to tell you something," I said quietly, yet loud enough to make myself heard.

"What's wrong, sis?" Logan questioned casually as the other two just waited for me to speak.

I inhaled a long, deep breath, gazing the cup Logan took to his mouth before gazing my own cup. I frowned, thinking of a way of saying it. How could I fucking say it? Just blurt it out! Not that hard, right?

"Piper, is everything-"

"I'm pregnant." I said, cutting off Damian's question.

I was ready for any reaction. I was prepared! Or... that was what I thought...

Logan spat the mouthful of coffee all over Jerome, Jerome laughed in reply until Logan spat his coffee on him and Damian... just blinked at me, indirectly asking to repeat myself.

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