❁ Chapter Ten - Confusing

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My blood boiled with rage as I gazed one drunk fucker slam his palm to Piper's… behind. I surely wasn't far from shattering the bottle of grey goose, just how she was about to break that glass in her little hand earlier.

My teeth ached from how hard I clenched them, that signature vein popping in my forehead. I was about to do something I was gonna regret, when she turned at him with a stoic expression. Her fist connected to the fucker's jaw, his wide grin dropping instantly.

His head whipped at what was surely a painful hit, but that definitely didn't stop the drunk fuck from preparing himself to harm her. I was already on my way to rip his head off, but she was way ahead of me. She punched him again in the jaw and kneed him in his manhood, just where it hurt men worst. Groans erupted around the bar, men feeling that pain. I was stopped in my tracks at the sight of that, feeling the hit myself.

She punched him in the nose again, this time fisting the collar of his shirt. "How dare you disrespect a woman in such way?!?" She hissed like a snake, then hit him again. "You think you're attractive, you think I like what you do? Well let me tell you, I don't! And you're far from attractive, you sick fuck!"

The guy was on his knees now, his nose gushing blood and his hands clutching his inexistent balls to ease the pain. I was staring at the woman as she took a step back, straightened herself and lifted her chin.

"Any other fucking man disagrees?!?" Her voice boomed with seriousness. The men in the bar remained silent, not even one daring to disagree.

She nodded, turned around like nothing happened and walked to the bar. My brows were up high as I watched her apologise to the bartender and slid a hundred bucks more than how much the bottle of vodka costed. The fucker laid on the ground for a while before he was able to stand up and go to the bathroom actually crying.

I was literally so shocked I couldn't move. I mean, I saw her all bloody and shit, but damn! I didn't think she could punch like that! She was… more than capable of taking care of herself. I never once saw her punch someone like that.

She turned around to meet my big eyes set in her. "Coming?"

Anytime for you, baby, I thought, allowing my eyes to drop to her gorgeous body. She looked so fucking good with blood on her knuckles, her posture straight and almighty!

Fuck… me…

I swallowed hard, in the hope of replacing the dryness in my throat with some saliva, but that didn't work out. Instead, I walked to the exit and held the door open to her, inspecting the wounds on her knuckles.

"Did you have this planned?" I asked, lifting the alcohol bottle as she walked past me outside.

She gasped, taking the bottle from my hand in the blink of an eye. "Don't you dare waste such good alcohol on a little scratch!" She exclaimed.

I chuckled, watching her walk ahead down the street. I followed her but kept a small distance behind her so I could admire her behind myself. It was wrong, I knew, but hell if I didn't want to touch it. Though, I had more respect than that bastard inside and I knew how to keep my hands to myself.

She rose the bottle and took some healthy gulps of alcohol. As expected, she started walking funny. The second time she lifted the bottle, before she even started to drink, her body had given up on her. I caught her before she hit the ground, catching the bottle before slipping her little hand.

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