❁ Chapter Twelve - Naked

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I was about to break something. Why? Well, seeing that for the past three hours we were stuck in traffic because there was road work ahead, I was most definitely going to break something. And we had around three of those stops in which we were merely stuck. This was our forth and my anger really reached its limit.

"Jesus, again?" PB groaned coming in the front, this time with her laptop.

I rubbed my temples with both hands and nodded. "Again."

It was around seven pm and the sun was already going down. If we were held still for another hour I was going to have a fit. One of those fits in which I'd go up to the fuckers and ask them nicely to let us pass. By nicely, I meant break some bones. I wasn't known for talking nicely to anybody.

"It's like they're building a damn mall," she scoffed, pointing her attention back to the laptop in her lap. "There's nothing interesting happening. All they do is talk with each other. I can't even hear what they say. The bastards only have surveillance cameras, not microphones too."

"How many men are there?" I asked, trying to look for myself.

"Not many," she replied dryly, her upper lip raising and her nose wrinkling I'm disappointment. "I haven't even seen the leader or his hands up till now."

"Zane Rasmussen, Vaughn Reyes and Keith McLean, right?"

"Found that out from my files or on your own?" She asked suspiciously.

"Practically on my own, even if you didn't give me the damn files," I smiled tightly, shrugging my shoulders.

"You," she grunted a curse, her eyes hardly set on me. "You really are a dick."

I couldn't say why for sure, but that statement made me smirk. Oh, because I didn't believe she believed that statement, that was why.

"Anyways, I haven't seen any of them," her tone returned to that casual frustration pointed to the case. I looked away from the cars waiting alongside us at the sight of movement in the corner of my eye. My gaze was drawn to her as she tucked her crossed feet under herself and boredly shifted through the cameras by pressing the numbers of the keypad.

Leaning both forearms on the wheel, I couldn't help but stare at her position. She didn't sit up straight, or with her chin high. Her baggy t-shirt hung on her body, but her shorts allowed me to see the skin I couldn't see higher. I could see those smooth thighs in the color of gold, lovely voluptuous and maddening. All she missed were a pair of glasses and she would have had the perfect messy outfit of an uneventful Saturday.

Some guys couldn't see this as sex appealing, but my cock was strongly disagreeing. Her sex appeal was over the roof now. She didn't look like some bimbo begging for attention or a horny teenager. She didn't look like the all set on business woman I kept seeing in her these days. No, this was another side of PB. This was... the side that no guy saw. She was herself now. And damn me if I didn't love the fact that she felt comfortable enough to show her true self around me.

Yet... a part of me didn't see that as enough. I wanted to see her when she was sad. I wanted to see her when she was angry. I wanted to see her when she was happy. I wanted to see her when she felt every single feeling. Each. And. Every. Single. One. Of. Them!

Yup! I had definitely gone insane! Now I wanted to date her! As if wanting to fuck her wasn't enough! Christ, I had to remind myself she was the sister of more than one killer. Even if that was a wrong approach, it was better than thinking of how dating her would be.

I forced my eyes back to the road and thought. I didn't know how, but I ended up thinking of my ex. My last ex, which was from about three years ago. We had a two years relationship. It started almost immediately after PB quitted. I didn't even know how I resisted with that bitch for two years. She was more toxic than the chemical waste thrown into oceans. At first I didn't notice it. I thought it was just the jealousy and overprotective nature in every woman kicking it at the beginning of every relationship, but with the time, it became obsessive. One time I didn't reply to her, I'd receive hundreds of calls and texts. Then, it started when I went out for drinks. I stayed a little too late, she wouldn't just blow up my phone, she'd start asking what kind of whores I fucked. Hell, it had gotten to the point she would check my phone when I wasn't looking. After one fight I broke up with her and even if it hurt in the beginning, I realized it was the right thing to do. She was stressing me how I didn't need to be stressed. She simply made my life a nightmare.

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