❁ Chapter Seventeen - Kidnapping

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"That son of a bitch!" I exclaimed, staring at his image in the damn file. He was... a completely other person and all this time I had no fucking clue!

"PB, hurry the fuck up!" Reeve gritted, looking through the opening from the door. "He's coming..."

I quickly grabbed the file with spies infiltrated in our gang, the files with cops undercover from the Chicago district, and shoved the drawer shut. Reeve ran with me at the painting and as soon as we were both inside, he slid it shut. Putting the files at my back, I covered them with my shirt so the wouldn't be visible or falling, then I pulled out the little butterfly dagger I took from the desk and cut the painting only a bit so we could peak through the creak. In the little time we searched through all the mess, we decided to grab their boss when he was alone, knock him out or something and kidnap him.

Reeve and I watched cautiously as the boss, Zane Rasmussen, that looked like a whiter copy of Cole without freckles, entered the room, fuming with anger. Though, he looked like Cole, the age difference was obvious. His face was wrinkled and he definitely wasn't as fit as the kid anymore. Five years ago he looked even better than the kid. Now? The guy looked like the ultimate creep from a bar filled with creeps.

He searched for something through the mess on his desk, then sat down when he found it, a smirk curling his disgusting lips. God, I almost forgot how disgusting he was after all these years.

"Idiots!" He mocked. "They can't even search for a damn woman." His eyes rolled. "How hard can it be to find a detective? A woman detective?"

Okay, this guy was passing limits now. It was clear he liked taking from women what he wanted, but the bastard expected us to take it like good girls too? Son of a-

The door slammed open before I could finish the thought, a large man entering with... shit! Vaughn! The man threw Vaughn on the ground, keeping the gun pointed at his head.

"Found him in the infirmary," he stated, waving the gun around like a moron. "I sent the guys to check the cells. He had freed the two fuckers from another gang and killed three of our people. Not to mention, he killed Wren."

"Hey," I mumbled, frowning angrily. They were giving him all the credit!

"Shush!" Reeve nudged me lightly.

I huffed in frustration, hearing Zane groan. "Great! You fucking idiots can't even guard people properly! Of course he fucking escaped!"

"Always blame it on the men," Vaughn coughed out blood as he spitefully rose his eyes to Zane.

"Shut the fuck up!" Zane shouted, glaring daggers at the man on the ground.

Vaughn laughed, raising on his arms on the ground. "Why would I do that?"

"Cause I'm telling-"

"As if I'll listen," Vaughn tried to stand up, but the guy from the door shoved him back on the ground with his foot. His back hit the ground and his brows arched as he closed them tightly. When they opened, they came straight to the painting, narrowing on our creak. You could say we made eye contact.

"Kill him," Zane ordered boredly.

The man from the door seemed just about to when Vaughn lifted his hand. "Can I at least have some last words?"

The man from the door looked at his boss, who took a few moments to think. "What do you want to add, low life?"

Vaughn snickered, wiping the blood from his mouth with his hand. He looked up at Zane as he said the following words slowly. "I never wanted to get out of here alive."

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