❁ Chapter Twenty Five - Mistake

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I frowned down at the screen as I wondered why she called me. Of course, when she called, I didn't hear my phone ring, but now, more than five hours later, I was staring at nearly ten missed calls I had received from her.

God, what if something happened to her? What if she got hurt? I immediately placed the phone on my ear and listened to the voicemails. She didn't say something that... specific, she just said she had to tell me something. Though, her voice sounded weird. A little too shaky. She sounded... scared, not hurt.

I started questioning why she'd be scared, when Damen tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey, you good?"

I nodded absently and just like that, I struggled to push the thought in the back of my mind as we went to talk to another possible suspect or witness. We went on for a few hours, until we finally returned to the station.

I was headed to my desk, to start writing some reports, when one of the guys from the front desk stopped me. They informed me PB passed by and that she wanted to talk to me. It... sounded urgent.

I thought of calling her back, checking what the hell was so damn urgent, but then, a thought crossed my mind.

If I wanted to move on from someone, I had to give up all contact.

Instead of calling PB, I decided to dial my booty call and set a meeting. At my place. As usual. I finished my reports, went home, waited for Lory, and then... all in all, I got what I needed. My rebound sex. The sex that was purely boring and fucking emotionless. No heat, no passion, no hunger, just release. Maybe she felt something, but I certainly didn't.

I could see that in the past three weeks she had grown attached, but I didn't dare mention it or return her feelings. My mind, my heart, my everything was with PB, even if... even if she didn't want me. So, I just had the sex. That was it. The raw sex that couldn't satisfy me at all, not even when I thought of her as... the one and only, my Piper.

Just as every lazy, Saturday morning, I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling with a vacant expression, worrying about why PB called. Lory, next to me, softly snored, her body tangled in the sheets, clearly no care on her mind. What else could I do in another cloudy morning, other than worry about the love of my life?

Moments later I decided I couldn't spend all morning like this. I got up, put on a pair of black shorts and made my way to the kitchen. Seeing that I was starving, I decided to... cook myself something.

I wasn't even halfway walking in the direction of the fridge, that the doorbell rang. At six fucking am in the morning, the doorbell had to ring. I couldn't think of anything but the resentment I had for the children from the top floor who liked to play pranks on their neighbors.

They always had to ring a random doorbell!

I grunted a curse while heading to the door. The bell rang again and out of annoyance, I snapped at the person, the moment I opened the door.


The spite was very visible on my expression at the unexpected visitor, until I saw who the visitor was. My brows jumped up as I stared with big eyes at the woman with a sheepishly hurt smile, emerald green eyes, chin length chocolate hair that seemed longer than before and a simple outfit. Just a pair of blue jeans, a black t-shirt and a bag on her slender shoulder. She looked… bad. Terrible, actually. Her skin was pale, her cheeks were sunken, her lips dry and almost purple.

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