❁ Chapter Eighteen - Scars

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At the sound of that question, my whole body stiffened in realization. In realization of where his hand stopped, of how I let him touch me, of… what was under his hand.

"PB?" He prompted.

I clenched my teeth and pulled away, finding my green tank top on the ground. Reeve appeared in front of me like he had teleported, right after I slid on the top. His brows were furrowed, his eyes demanding for an answer. I just stared coldly at his gorgeous features, my body tense and my hands beginning to sweat and shake.

"Why in the hell do you have scars on your back?" He growled the question, not in an erotic threatening tone, but in an actually scary one.

Still, I refused to crumble. I shrugged, eyeing the curtains between the "bedroom" and the 'living room" of the damn trailer. I had already started to walk that way. "We should go check-"

The feeling of his hand on my arm cut me off as he pulled me back, gluing my body to his. He glared hard daggers as he said in a lower, more dangerous tone. "Why is your back scarred, Piper?"

I looked up at him vacantly, having the thought set in my mind. I couldn't tell him. I couldn't, I just… I couldn't.

The sound of muffled screams were just the distraction I needed. Reeve's grip over my arm loosened as I pushed the curtain aside and faced the bastard whose head was covered by a hood and whole body was tied to a chair with rope. His hands were at his front so they would be visible. They, along with the rest of his body, were stirring uncontrollably as he tried to break the rope. His lips were covered with duct tape and inside his mouth, I had put a piece of cloth. His screams were muffled because of it.

I stepped towards the table he sat at and picked up the tiny bottle of sedative and the syringe next to it. Plugging in the needle, I withdrew from the bottle a small amount of liquid that would keep him asleep for most of the day. I had to supervise him to make sure he wasn't waking up without making noises.

Without me having to mention it, Reeve - who now had his pants on - stilled his head and tilted it on the side so I could have access to the neck of the bastard. "Thanks," I muttered.

"No prob," Reeve replied just as quietly.

I pulled out my phone to count the seconds after I injected him the sedative. He hissed at the feeling of the needle and soon enough, his head became limp in Reeve's hands, allowing him to drop the weight. Light weight because of the small brain. In ten seconds he was supposed to fall asleep, but to make sure, I picked up a knife I had in reach and stabbed his hand. I got no reaction. Pulling out the knife and putting a napkin to stop the bleeding cause I didn't want him to bleed out so I could clean, I repulsively,wrinkled my nose at the poor excuse of a man.

"He's out," I stated the obvious, pursing my lips.

Reeve's gaze was burning holes in my skin, but I ignored it as I placed everything back on the table and arranged the shirt in my jeans while heading to the "bedroom". Just like that, I woke up pinned to the "bathroom" door, Reeve planting both of his hands at the sides of my head. He lowered down at my face, his eyes cooling with seriousness.

His eyes eyes held no ounce of warmth in them. "Piper," he said lowly, his voice below a whispered growl, "I'm not going to repeat myself. What happened to your back?"

"I fell off a tree in a damn-"

He slammed his fist to the door, glaring at me. "Don't you fucking lie to me, woman!"

At that moment, only an ounce of fear sipped into my blood. Fear… not of him hitting me. Fear of him finding out. What he'd do if he found out. It simply was a no-go.

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