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Rosé expressed happiness that Chaeyoung has finally found the right person and she's living happily with him.

"I'm really happy for you Chaeyoung-ah" Rosé smiled softly "after everything you've been through, you really deserve someone like him"

"Someone like who?" Someone spoke from behind Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung turned around feeling annoyed by whoever is butting in her conversation. But all she found was a gummy smile. She stood up feeling extremely surprised and sighed deeply grabbing everyone's attention.

"Yoongi-ah!" Chaeyoung jumped and hugged him.

"Alright, my job here is done" Rosé stood up to leave.

"Yah, where are you going? What job?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Woah! Son Chaeyoung is a dummy" Rosé teased her then left.

"What's wrong with her?" Chaeyoung asked stupidly.

"For God's sake Chaeyoung-ah, keep quiet" Yoongi poked her forehead "she told me to surprise you here"

"Awwwww! My best friend is the best" Chaeyoung said excitedly.

"Doesn't your man get some of the compliments" Suga raised and eyebrow.

"You'll hear all the compliments tomorrow if not a couple of minutes later" Chaeyoung smirked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"People were taking pictures of us" Chaeyoung whispered "I think they'll be online so soon"

"Who cares about them anyway" Yoongi shrugged "ready to debut Chaeyoung-sshi?"

"I've never been more ready" Chaeyoung said "and you're going to be with me so that's even more exciting"

"You make me realise how much I've missed" Yoongi said making her blush hard.

"Stop! People are watching" Chaeyoung hit his shoulder "let's get out of here".

"We've been together for quite some time but you still get shy of me" Yoongi said as they walked out to his car.

"You don't know why?" She looked away.

"No" he nodded his head.

"Because even though we've been together for some time, I still fall for you" Chaeyoung blushed even more.

"Is that so?" Yoongi tried to look at her "so that explains the butterflies I see everytime we're together"

"Shut up and drive" Chaeyoung said.

"Where to?" Yoongi asked as he started the car.

"Han river. I've missed it" She smiled.

"It's been a while since we've been there" Yoongi looked at her "What did you do while I was away?"

"You've been fully updated about every move I make. I keep texting you" Chaeyoung said "besides that, I've only waited for you to come back... Aigooooo that huge apartment of yours felt all big and empty ... I felt so lonely" Chaeyoung said childishly.

"Was it my effect making it all small and cozy?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not" Chaeyoung elbowed him "it's both of us"

Yoongi and Chaeyoung both stepped out of the car as they reached the Han river. They've always come to watch the river and chit chat for a long time, they enjoy it a lot.

"There's something I didn't tell you" Yoongi looked at her from the corner of his eyes as he held her hand "but if it's going to bother just dodge it and don't feel upset about it, Okay?"

"Alright, what is it?"

"When I was in the states" Yoongi hesitated "Jeongyeon called me.... Apparently you didn't pick up their calls and they really wanted to apologise to you"

"I've never expected that one day they're going to be the reason why I feel uncomfortable" Chaeyoung looked at the river "they used to take my side no matter what"

"I just gave it a thought and I think they love you a lot that's why they're trying to bring you back" Yoongi said "It seems like they can't accept the idea of having you out so they think of anything to bring you back"

"TWICE is an experience I don't want to live again" Chaeyoung shook her head.

"Chaeyoung-ah, I'm not speaking of you as Chaeyoung of TWICE. I'm speaking of Chaeyoung who is a close friend to those eight girls"

"You think I should talk to them?" Chaeyoung hesitantly looked at him.

"You should talk to them Chaeyoung-ah" he caressed her cheek.

"Okay, I'll see about this" Chaeyoung took a deep breath "since you started the confession thing I'll tell you something too"

"I'm all ears"

"Just before you came Yugyeom was with me and he dropped the bombshell" Chaeyoung faced him "he told me that my father and his mother are splitting up because she caught him cheating"

"That dad of yours" Yoongi chuckled "I thought that this kind of men only exist in movies but ... Woah!"

"Do you know a sunbae called Suran?" Chaeyoung suddenly asked.

"I do. I worked with her before" Yoongi said "why are you asking?"

"She's his new girlfriend" Chaeyoung waited for Yoongi's reaction.

Yoongi took a long time to answer and Chaeyoung wasn't sure why. He looked very uncomfortable talking about her but since Chaeyoung needed an answer he had to talk.

"I don't actually know that much about her" Yoongi lied "we've only talked a couple of times"

"I don't expect you to know anything. I'm just letting you know"

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