The mirror

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*Naruto's POV

 I zipped away back to the leaf village for what may be my last time. I only had one place in mind, Home. I teleported to my room where I glanced around thinking of everything that has happened here. All of the early mornings waiting for dad to wake up. Getting up for class and mission every morning. Some of my first moments with Hinata hoping for many more to come.

'I can't give myself hope' I thought to my self as I walked through the halls not quite saying goodbye but more of a hope to see you soon. I made it to dad's room where I opened a small drawer to see a white a red cloak in it. Fairly worn and torn but it still could hold up to much more than any normal cloth could. My mind thought back as I began to unfold the cloak

*Flashback right after Minato's Death

I was sitting alone in the dark as I thought about all that has happened over the past week or so. Dad has died, I can speak again, Granny is now the Hokage which dad always promised I would be the next one, though I never really believed him but now that he is gone... I wish I could hear him say it one last time. There was a small knock on the door and I stood up to answer it very sluggish. I opened the door to see a tall blond woman in a white cloak

"Het Granny what's up?" I asked her as I kept the door locked.

"I just wanted to drop something off, something your father wanted me to do for you." She said making me perk up as I looked at her. She had a tightly wrapped cloak in her hands with some familiar ramen stains from later night work hours. 

"Thanks but I thought that this would go with his grave like all the Kage prior," I commented as I took it

"Only the first is buried with the original cloak, all the others are replicas," She said as I started to unravel it. Still just the same, same stains, rips, burn marks, same everything.

"There was some repair work on it but I assumed you would like it just like it was before," she said as she turned to walk away. "Maybe soon enough you will grow into it," she said as she walked away. I stared at it for a moment before I walked back inside and dropped it into the garbage can.

"I never want to see that damn cloak again, it only leads to harm," I mumbled as I crashed on the couch and went into a restless sleep.

*Flash forward a few months later.

I was cleaning up around the house when I got the dusting my father's old room. As I passed by his nightstand next to his bed I noticed the drawer cracked a little showing a bit of red cloth caught in the gap. I opened the drawer to close it when I saw my dads old cloak in there. I let out a small gasp as Hinata passed around the corner.

"Sorry I saw that in the trash and couldn't see it go to waste," she said as tears fell from my eyes. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you so much," I whispered as I stopped my tears. I took the cloak out of the drawer and quickly up it on.

"Still a little bit too big for you Naruto," Hinata said laughing as the cloak was almost touching the ground.

*Current time

I pulled the cloak out of the drawer and slowly put it on

"Seem to fit now" I heard someone say behind me as I spun around. I was now looking at a reflection of myself in the mirror.

"Now you're ready for it," The voice said as I walked closer to the mirror. I smirked at myself as I thought about my long hair.

"Just like his" I commented as I pulled on a segment of my hair. I took one last slow glance as I stood up straight and took a deep breath. Making 10 shadow clones we all started teleporting all over the place grabbing everything we would possibly need for the upcoming battle.

"Kurama you awake yet!" I yelled in my mind space

"Yeah all ready to go now," he said as he sat up 

"Good I am going to need you for this one," I said as I started floating over to his cage where the seal hung in the center "I am going to need all of you," I said as I tore the initial seal off and started funneling chakra to my fingertips as I placed them on the much bulkier seal which started turning.

"You really need me that much don't you," Kurama said as the cage door opened and I felt my fingers go numb due to the rush of energy "Can you handle all of this kit," He said as he towered over me

"I was expecting more," I said with a smirk as feeling returned as I woke up from my little daydream to see all of my supplies in front of me. 

"Well, time to get going," I said as I grabbed the bag and threw it over my shoulder.

'Ino are you on-site' I asked via the link the Yamanaka clan set 

'on-site and ready but nothing is happening yet' She said over the link. I teleported to Shikamaru who was standing right next to her.

"I am going to die of a heart attack one day if you keep doing that shit" He grumbled as I asked for what was going on. He had the same response as Ino and said that it was a standoff as I jumped to a higher location to see what we were facing. It was a large wooden statue that stood taller than even Kurama when I summoned him.

"The hell is that," I asked Kurama

"I don't know but it's presence feels familiar," He said as he looked through my eyes

"NARUTO" I heard Shikamaru yell to me as I jumped down. 

"Lady Tsunade wanted me to introduce you to Killer Bee the 8 tails jinchuuriki," He said as I extended my hand out

"Nice to meet you hear you fast," I said with a smile as he took my hand

"Yeah and I heard your pretty wicked yourself," He said.

"So what's the plan," I asked Shikamaru

"Now that you're here, you and bee are meant to blast that thing to hell and we get to go home," He jokingly said. "Like it would be that easy, but Lady Hokage has ordered that you two blast that thing with all you got," he said as he ran off.

"You got control of that fox inside of you," Bee asked as we now stood at the front lines.

"More like an agreement, He helps me I don't die and inter he doesn't either," I said getting a laugh out of Bee. 

"You got it," He said as he began to transform into the eight tails.

"Impressive right," he now said in a much deeper voice.

"Not bad but how about this," I said as I gave a little pull at the power Kurama now provided. power flowed out of my body and into the area around me creating the aura of a fox around me now towering over the eight tails. I began charging a Biju dama as Killer Bee did the same.

'on my signal Naruto,' Tsunade said over the link.

"Blast it to hell shouldn't be that hard," I said to myself as I braced my self for that one simple word.



I can write again :) computer was broken for the longest time and just got a new one now here's a chapter.

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