Land of waves

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3rd POV

Sasuke kept his sharingan a secret from everyone. Naruto trained every day awaiting for the day he could show himself he was no longer afraid. Team 7 went on many D-rank missions until they went to the Hakages office to receive their next mission.

-time skip to wave arc (I AM LAZY)

*Naruto's POV

I walked through the familiar hallways of the Hokages office as my team was walking to my fathers office to get our next mission

'I'm tired of all of these D-rank missions' I thought to myself as put my hands behind my head in a bored way. As we walked into my fathers office we were greeted with him sleeping. everyone's sweat dropped as we tried to wake him by calling his name. I gave up and walked up to him hitting him in the back of his neck. He jumped out of his chair and fumbled around his office for a moment. I couldn't blame him since he never came home last night. Once he settled down he apologized to us and looked for a mission for us to do.

"Let's see there is another missing cat, um Mr. Malichio needs his garden beds weeded" my father said as he looked for more papers. I reached into my pocket and puled out a piece of paper. I handed it to my father with a smirk on my face. It was a C-rank mission I took from his office last night. It was an escort mission to the land of waves.

"Ok' my father exclaimed "but the rest of you team needs to agree" he said explaining the mission to them. everyone agreed as father called in the man we need to escort.

"this is Tazuna" he said introducing a drunken man that walked into the room

"so my escort is a bunch of kids" Tazuna said in a slurred voice. Sasuke was about to jump at him but I grabbed his wrist stopping him.

" Mr. Tazuna I promise you these kids as you said are some of the best in the village. They are all quite exceptional." Father said seeing that Sauske was unhappy. The old man grumbled and then said that it was fine as long as we got him there safely. I did a little cheer in my head as we walked out of my dads office. Team 7 went their separate ways as I went to go train. I trained for the rest of the day and then went home. Dad wasn't back yet but on my bed was a congratulation note from dad. I smiled as I fell asleep thinking about the next few days. The next morning I woke up and quickly got ready and rushed to our meeting spot at the village gates. I was the first one there quickly followed by Kakashi.

(Wow am I dreaming) I said thinking about how me is always late

"Ha ha" he said ruffling my hair. I pushed him away like I do everyone else. Tazuna soon arrived with Sakura and Sasuke at his side.

"Let's go" he said seeming less drunk then yesterday. We walked for a few hours until we came across a puddle in the road.

'that is strange' I thought walking by it. I looked over at Kakashi sensei who also saw that as weird. As he stepped over the puddle two chains shot out shredding him

"KAKASHI" Sakura yelled as me and Sasuke jumped at our attackers. They both shot their chains again at me and Sasuke . Sasuke jumped out of the way as I threw my kunai at one of them. Before the chain impaled me I telported to the other one that was nearing the opponents face. I stood on the chain grabbing my kuani and plunging it into his shoulder. He screamed out in pain as the steel end went through his the other side. The other opponent quickly came to his aid swinging his arm around to face me. Before he could attack Sasuke was behind kicking him to the ground. The two enemies were knocked out on the ground as Kakashi walked out of the tree line.

"Well done" He said to Sakura's surprise. I walked over to Sasuke and offered him a high five, but he turned it down walking over to Kakashi.

"Let's keep moving" he said walking past him. We walked for a few more miles until we had a white rabbit cross our path. I took no mind of it and threw my kunai at it thinking it would make a good dinner for later. As I went to go pick up the rabbit and receive my kunai Kakashi yelled out to me

"NARUTO DUCK" He yelled as a large sword came spiraling at my head. I ducked almost being decapitated by the blade as it sunk a foot into the tree it hit. A man in cargo pant and cloth covering most of his face like Kakashi now stood on the sword.

"hand over the bridge builder" the man demanded as he turned around revealing a hidden mist headband with a slash though it.

'rouge ninja' I thought as I jumped back to team drawing my kunai. 

"Zabuza Momochi" Kakashi sensei said as he stepped forward. "rouge hidden mist shinobi, known as the demon of the mist, master of the silent killing technique" Kakashi said

"well, well, Kakashi of the sharingan, or the copy cat ninja I was in your bingo book as well I see." the man said back pulling his sword out of the tree. I looked over at Kakashi with fear in my eyes

'Kakashi of the sharingan' I thought in a panic as Kakashi lifted up part of his mask

"everyone stay back" he said to us. He opened his left eye revealing a three tomoed sharingan. Their battle engaged as Sasuke and Sakura jumped into a defensive position. I had fallen to the ground looking at Kakashi

'The sharingan' I thought in fear. 'how could he never tell me' I thought. My breath quickened as I watched the battle.

"NARUTO" I heard Sakura call out to me. I regain my composer and jumped into formation with the others. I felt Sauske looking over at me, but I pushed it away confident that I would conquer this fear

'I need to stop this' I thought 'I need to no longer be afraid' 

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