Quick note

4.9K 73 10

First off thank you all for readin this far this is only my second Naruto fanfic and it is doing far better then I ever thought it would so thank you for reading

Second no I'm not quieting the book just in case people see this and think it's a good bye letter. NO, I love this story to much to not finish it

Third thank you Kyra6ann for telling me I was spelling Sasuke wrong. I have no excuse beside I thought I was spelling it right

For everyone else please comment if you see something wrong or are confused, Aoimoku7875 Has been a big help with making things clearer and helping me improve the story

And finally shameless plug Please follow me :)

Night Y'all and for those of you taking finals soon good luck.

Oh and I'm up dating because we hit 1K views thanks y'all

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