The Uchiha rivalry

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^five days after Minato left with Naruto
*Minato's POV

It's been a week since we left and I was thinking that Kakashi was done being Hokage for the week so I told Naruto that we would have to go back. He was bummed at first then I could tell by the look on his face all of the pranks he had planned for the village elders once we got back. Over the past week Naruto drastically improved now being able to transport at quicker speed, and preform flying thunder god step one. I had to promise him that I would teach him step to later since O had a feeling that something was wrong in the village and we needed to get back.

"We need to go" I told him as I grabbed his shoulder, and teleported us into the Hokage's office where Kakashi was sitting there doing paper work transformed into me.

"you're back" The fake Hokage said to me as he transformed back into himself

"Hey Kakashi" I said to him "is everything ok?" I asked waiting for him to confirm my suspicions.

"Yeah everything is fine except for all of this paper work" he said laughing. Naruto was still holding on to my arms but he let go walking over to the window that looked over the village.

"what is it Naruto?" I asked him walking over to see what he was looking. He pointed out the window into the distance. there was a small stream of smoke coming up above the village.

"yeah there a fire the fire corpse will handle it" I said. Naruto opened the window jumping out of it while throwing a kunai into a nearby light post he teleported to it stranding on the top of it. We waved for me to follow him. I jumped out the window and teleported to him using the mark I left on him.

"why do you want to go over there?" I asked. I could see the fear in Naruto eyes, and that gave me all the reasoning in needed. I teleported to the nearest mark I had near the place where the fire was. Naruto jumped out of my arms and ran towards the Uchiha district. I ran after him struggling to catch up

'damn he's fast' I thought as Naruto made a quick stop in front of me. His eyes were wide with terror, and now I knew why I looked through the district gate, and saw the genocide of the Uchiha clan.

*Naruto's POV

I could feel him in the village. Thoses eyes. That hatred. The strength. An Uchiha was all that ran through my head as we were in my dad's office. I looked out the window and saw a fire and could sense his presence near there. It took a while but my dad noticed that I seemed off, and asked me what was wrong. I was able to convince him to follow me to find the man, but I was not ready to see all of the Uchiha massacre. I grabbed my dad's arm and clung tightly to him.

"It's going to be ok" he said to me as he made a shadow clone. The clone walked over to one of the bodies and checked for a pulse. He came up empty, and went to the next one. After doing this a dozen time the clone went up in a cloud of smoke.

"They are all dead" I heard him whisper. We heard a scream come from the head of the clans household. my father broke out of my grip and teleported to the household. I stood there afraid to go any further, but I knew that he was near so I ran to the house that my father hopefully teleported to as I ran up to it a man jumped out the window. I froze in place, and stared at him. all I could see of a body was a silhouette, but I could see his flaming red eyes in the darkness. I backed up in fear clutching my throat. It burned like I was swallowing coals, and I was lost for breath. I flee to me knees trying to cough the pain away. the Uchiha was now standing over me.

"so you are the Hokage's brat" He said grabbing my head and pinning me to a nearby wall. "look at me" he said with killing intent in his voice. I looked into the Uchiha's kekei genkai. "I was told not to kill you but I left you with a present in there" he said pointing at the house. I was so afraid as he said this 

'did he kill dad' was my first thought as he let go of me. I rushed into the house to get away from him.

"remember this son of the yellow flash these eyes can see all" he called out to me. I turned around to see that he wasn't there anymore just a crow with a piece of flesh in its mouth. I turned back around and ran into the house. My father was on his knees with his back turned towards me. I began crying thinking that he was dead, but he turned his head and looked at me. I ran up to him still crying and hugged him. I looked into his lap and there was a young Uchiha sitting in his lap.

"He is the last one" he told me. I back away in fear

'he has those eyes' was my first thought thinking back to what the other Uchiha just told me 'he is the present' I thought. My father stood up with the boy. and walked over to me. I shriveled in fear as they got closer.

"I'm taking him to the hospital. go home have some ramen I'll be home as soon as I can" he said teleporting away. I went home, and did as my father asked. I ate ramen I showered, and I went to bed. I couldn't fall asleep. anytime I closed my eyes I saw his eyes the man from tonight, The man who stabbed me, and the young Uchiha with the same hatred. The same power. The same strength. With the same eyes.

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