Breaking down

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*Naruto's POV

I left the library and began to walk home. It was beginning to get dark so I went home. I walked into a dark and empty house. Ever since I was put in this world this was the first time that things felt normal. Me, All alone. I went upstairs and read books until I fell asleep face first in a book. I woke up wiping the drool from my mouth. I glanced up at the clock. I shot up once I realized what time it was. I jumped up and rushed out of the house while I put my shirt on. I ran to training ground 4 while I was still trying the tie my shoe as I jumped on one foot. I fell to the ground as someone walked up behind me laughing.

"You forgot didn't you," Izumi said laughing.

"You I just stayed up to late last night," I said as I stood back up finally ready.

"Still reading those books," She asked as she walked past me

"Yeah," Said as I looked at her back

"Well let's see if you learned anything," She said as she turned around. The last thing I remembered seeing was her pointing her finger at me before I fell into darkness.

"Disperse," I said as I changed the flow of my chakra breaking the genjutsu just as she swung her kunai at me. I caught her hand and held it in place

"Are you trying to kill me?" I asked with a smile

"No just taking this serious good to see that you are," She said as she ripped her hand out of my grip. She jumped back as she began to weave some hand signs. My vision began to blur as she ran at mine. I felt nauseous and dizzy as I stapped back to parry her attack. I stumbled but managed to catch my footing before she landed a hit. I changed the flow of my chakra again but I also needed to change how quickly it was flowing through me. The wave of chakra dispersed from my body pushed Izumi a few feet away from me.

"Good she commented" as she weaved more hand signs "But now I get serious," She said as she finished her hand signs. My body immediately seized up and I couldn't move as she ran at me.

"Kurama a little help here," I asked the nine tails

"And why should I" He snapped as he crossed his arms

"Come on its good training" I yelled at him as I continued to try and break the genjutsu with my own chakra but I couldn't. It was like my chakra was frozen in place. Izumi was now mid-swing with her blade

"Now Kurama" I yelled

"Tsk fine," He said as I felt his chakra flow through my body. The shock wave created from the sudden burst from the beast sent Izumi flying and tumbling across the ground. I teleported to her using the mark I placed on her when I caught her the first time we met.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I placed her on the ground

"Yeah," She said as she brushed herself off "Hey your glowing yellow," She said. I looked down in surprise and she was right. Streaks of yellow seemed to flow over my body.

"I don't know this has never happened before," I said as I entered my mindscape.

"Is this your chakra?" I asked the nine tails

"Who else chakra would it be" He snapped

"But where is all the hate and anger," I asked

"What do you think I am the living embodiment of hatred" Kurama snapped. I didn't deny it which pissed him off

"You humans are all the same" He huffed as he closed his eyes.

"It's ok if you have hatred," I said as I walked through the bars "But one day I will defeat your hatred and we will be happy," I said. Kurama just grunted and went to sleep. I smiled as I came back to the real world

"What are you smiling about," Izumi asked as she put her kunai away

"Nothing just thinking about a conversation I had with a good friend" I half lied

"Well then there is nothing else I can teach you," Izumi said as she threw her bag over her shoulder. "You are going to have to ask an Uchiha to teach you more. They can cast much better genjutsus then I can"

"Oh ok thank you for all the help," I said as she walked away. I packed up my stuff and walked home. As I walked home I ran into Sakura and the gang

"Naruto come to have dinner with us," Shikamaru said

"No thanks I have been training-" I said trying to get away from them

"What Shikimaru meant to say was you are coming to dinner with us," Sakura said as she grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me along. I went along with it as I was tossed into a chair by Sakura and quickly shoved in the corner so I couldn't escape. Dinner started out normal with everyone doing some small talk but every once and a while I felt someone's gaze shoot up at me. Once the food came and we at I tried to leave

"Wow thanks, guys for the meal but I should-"

"Sit," Chouji said along with everyone else. I gulped as I felt there gaze fall on me

"What's up guys," I said with a smile on my face trying to act normal

"We should be asking you that question," Neji said

"-Oh well then today I trained and then-"

"Not that you have been avoiding everyone why is that" Lee asked

"What do you mean" I lied as I tried to act innocent and naive

"Answer the question Naruto," Hinata said as she smacked the table. My smile dropped as I stared at all of them. I felt all of their anger and frustration trying to crush me so I let off some of my own anger. Some of them jumped while others tried to overpower my anger with their own

"Nothing is wrong just leave me alone," I said as I put my money on the table and stood up

"Your not leaving-" Chouji began to say before I teleported in front of him squatting on the table

"Ok then tell me how are you going to stop me" I snapped as I teleported to the end of the table and stormed out of the building. I walked home to Kushina standing in the main hallway

"Naruto comes sit please," She said as she walked into the kitchen. I took a big sigh as I walked into the kitchen pulled out a chair and sat down. She sat across from me and stared me down.

"What's wrong?" She asked


"Don't just please don't Naruto" She said. My fake smile dropped again as I slouched in my chair and crossed my arms looking away from her

"You would believe me even if I told you," I said

"It's ok please just talk to me. You are shutting yourself off from me and your friends. Is it because Sasuke was promoted to jonin and you weren't?" She asked

"Do you think I am that petty" I yelled as I stood up and smacked the table "I told you that you wouldn't understand now can everyone please leave me alone" I yelled as I began to walk away

"Your not Naruto aren't you," She said in a graze voice as she pulled out her kunai. I couldn't hold my self back any longer. I have been trying to stop myself from doing this since I got her but I couldn't hold the back any longer. I teleported behind her and pulled her into a hug as I cried into her back

"I'm sorry" I said on repeat until Kushina managed to turn around and hug me back "I just don't' understand what is happening and I am so confused and I am hurting because I know everything is wrong but I want it to be right and-and-and" I tried to say but I broke down into more sobs

"It's ok" Kushina whispered into my ear "Just tell me and I can help you," she said. I wiped the tears and snot from my face before I spoke

"I'm not from this world" 

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