My Past, Present, and to be Future

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*Naruto's POV

I stepped into the stream of floating orbs and my vision was filled with a bright light followed by sudden darkness. A loud crash filled my mind as I heard dozens of people cry out and run towards me.

"It's the nine tails. RUN" one of the said as he almost ran into me. I stepped out of the way as I looked towards where they were all running from. I heard the beast screech fill the entire village. I jumped up into a tree and my jaw dropped as I saw the beast that was once sealed in my stomach in its true form. It easily could stand face to face with the great stone faces that towered over the village. A purple orb formed near the nine tails mouth. As the orb got bigger he shot it at the stone faces. I followed the orb as it neared the stone faces, but before it could make any contact I saw a familiar yellow streak fly to the top of one of the stone faces. A wall of different seals appeared in front of the projectile as it was sucked into the teleportation vacuum. As the orb was sucked away out of sight I felt the repercussions of its explosion in the village. I looked behind me and saw an explosion a few dozen kilometers away that could have leveled the village. I was still staring in awe at the pure power of the explosion as I felt a tug on my insides as I was pulled to another place. I was now standing behind my father along with lord thrid with the nine tails towering over both of them.

"Saratobi what are you doing you crazy old man" Dad yelled to the Third Hokage

"Minato your son will need you he will have a troubled future ahead of him guide him," the Third Hokage said as he performed the reaper death seal putting half of the nine tails chakra into a small blond child and half of it in himself.

"Raise him well... Make Kushina proud" were the thirds last words before the reaper took him. Dad held the now dead Hokage in his arms as a child screamed out needing someone to warm him. Dad picked up the child as he teleported away. I felt a familiar tug on my stomach as I was pulled away with dads teleportation. He walked through our house placing the child next to red-haired women in a bed. Dad placed the child in her arms and placed his hand on her. I followed in the action as I touched the women. Cold, cold like ice. I knew she was dead as dad carried her outside and was joined by other mourning over the dead.

"This was the day you were born" I heard a voice say behind me. I turned to see dad there still glowing with some form of gold chakra surrounding his body.

"So she?..." I began to ask as I looked at the women in dads arms

"Kushina Uzumaki, My friend, My love, My wife, and your mother," He said in a sad voice. I felt a tear fall down my face as I stood there processing what just happened. I wasn't able to recuperate before I was pulled away again. It was 5 years later. I knew this day all too well. I stood in a dark alley staring at a five-year-old me getting stabbed in the throat. I screamed out begging him not to do it but my cries went unheard. I was pulled away mid-scream as I now saw dad crying into Jiraiya's shoulder.

"Jiraiya I don't know what is going to happen," Dad said to him "how will he make friends? How will he become a ninja? How will he tell me that he loves me before he goes to bed?" Dad Said leaning into his sensei's shoulder "did I fail him" he asked. The tears the fell from my face were now flowing in a steady stream as I was pulled away once again. I stood there staring down a black silhouette with glowing red eyes. I felt the same paralysis the younger me felt right next to me as we stared down Itachi Uchiha on the night of the Uchiha massacre.

"These eyes see all," He said before he seemed to disappear into thin air.

"Destruction has followed your entire life," dad said as he placed a hand on my shoulder as the smaller me rushed into the house.

"And I was never there in time to protect you," He said

"No that's not true you were always there for me when I needed you" I reassured him.

"And your friends are not" Not said as his face turned from a smile to a frown.

"That's different they will only get in my way" I snapped. I was pulled away with dad at my shoulder. We were in a hospital.

"No," I said as I tried to walk out of the hospital room, but my feet seemed to be stuck to the floor.

"Daddy don't...go," I heard myself say between sobs. I struggled not to cry as I heard my father's last words

"Protect........Her..........Always" He said.

"Protecting her doesn't mean push her to an arm's length Naruto" Dad growled at me

"She broke up with me-" I tried to argue but I knew how stupid I sounded

"NO you left her no choice the Naruto she loved was gone and I am trying to bring him back," Dad said "WHO ARE YOU" He yelled at me. I stood there shocked by his question. The answer seemed so simple yet I couldn't say it.

"I don't know," I said. Dad stood the for another minute before he turned and stormed away. I was pulled away from the hospital and was deep in some foreign woods with a dying fire in front of me. I had the log in my hand, but I stood there unable to lift a finger

'Who am I' I asked my self as I looked down at my wrist to see Itachi's necklace around my wrist.

A child

A ninja

A friend

A son

A killer

A Lover

A maniac

I didn't know what to say at the moment, but I thought back to a small conversation with Hinata I had a few months ago before my life went downhill.


"Naruto what am I to you," Hinata asked as she lied her head in my lap

"My best friend... and more," I said smiling at her. She smiled accepting my answer. She closed her eyes as I stared at the passing clouds.

"Hinata," I said to get her attention "What am I," I asked her

"Well I have the same answer-" She began to say but I interrupted her

"No not what... am I to you. What am I" I asked her again. She didn't answer at first. She sat up and put her hand on my cheek. She pulled me into a quick kiss. As she pulled away she whispered into my ear

"You are whatever you make yourself"

-Flashback end

"I am Naruto Namikaze," I said in barely a whisper. The wind whipped up in anger at my answer

"I AM NARUTO NAMIKAZE" I yelled at the top of my lungs The wind whipped harder then I have ever seen, but the wind only fueled the fire making it grow a dozen meters into the air. I there the log in my hand on making it grow until it filled the sky with a bright orange and gold flame.

"Naruto" I heard dad say as he emerged out of the fire

"My job is done and now I must go," He said with a tear in his eye. I began sobbing as I pulled him into a hug

"Thank you for everything," I said as I felt him fade away into the orange sky. I stood still for a moment with my eyes closed. I felt a cold breeze brush my spine as I opened my eyes. I was in the same cave once again. It was dark. No light. Only darkness.

'No' I told myself as I rushed out of the cave and into the blue sky. I emerged out of the cave and smiled as the sunlight kissed my face

"Naruto Namikaze" I heard Shikamaru say. I opened my eyes to see all of my friends surround me "You will return to the village now" He said as his shadow started moving. It shot towards me trying to grasp me, but before he could catch me my legs collapsed and I fell to the ground. I felt someone catch me as I passed out

"Thank you dad"


Sad chapter I hope I made someone cry. Maybe I am not good with that thing called emotions... so hope you enjoyed   

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