Battle of the ages

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3rd POV

Naruto jumped at Gaara as he commanded the sand to attack him. Before it made contact Naruto teleported away and appeared on one of the kunai he threw around the arena. The sand chased him around as Gaara just stood in place. Naruto threw a kunai at Haara infused with lightning style chakra. The sand formed a wall to protect Gaara except the lightning style chakra kunai blew strait through it. Gaara had to move his head to the side as the kunai almost nicked his ear. Naruto teleported to the kunai and threw a punch at Gaara. The sand was barely able to stop the punch as it neared Gaara's face. The sand retreated to guard Gaara Naruto threw another kunai into the ground. The sand was now back on the offense as it smashed into the ground that Naruto once stood on. Washing the kunai away. Naruto gritted his teeth as the sand chased him around the arena.

'I need to end this before I run out of chakra' Naruto thought. He disappeared into thin air and teleported to the outside edge of the arena. The sand followed him but missed him as he teleported away. He kept teleporting to the kunai circle he made. He was only trackable by the trail of lightning he left behind him. Gaara was unable to keep up with Naruto's speed as the lightning now formed a ring around the arena.

'Thunder god two step' Naruto thought as he stopped moving releasing all of the lightning energy built up from his speed. Lightning arced from all over the arena towards Gaara. There was a large explosion in the center of the arena as Naruto stood to the side panting. The crowd was silent for the first time during the entire tournament as the waited for the smoke to clear. Everyone gasped in shock as they saw an orb of sand floating the the center to the arena. You could hear Gaara saying something inside of the orb but it sounded like gibberish to everyone.

'Damn that almost took all of my chakra' I said as I heaved my body towards Gaara. Sand spears shot out of the orb as I ran at it. I jumped back waiting for further attack. But the attack never came. Naruto stood back for a minute to think about his next move

-up with the Hokage's

"Damn why is he using that jutsu" the kazekage swore.

"What do you mean" Minato asked him

"As you know Gaara is the jinchuriki of the sand" the kazekage began. "He loses control quite often and I am forced to stop it. I only allowed him to come because he hasn't had an out burst in months. We need to stop this fight" the kazekage said standing up.

"Wait" Minato Said as Naruto flashed a look up at the Kage. He was smiling. "Give it a few more minutes"

"But Minato" the kazekage Asked "Naruto may die out there" he said

"I believe in him and he believes in himself" Minato said sitting down. The kazekage sat down as well.

'Naruto I hope your right about his' Minato thought as Naruto ran at Gaara

-back in the arena

Naruto POV

I ran at Gaara with a kunai in my hand. I threw my kunai at the orb before the spears shot out. As I got closer the sand attacked. Before it could harden I teleported to the kunai I threw and pushed my kunai into the sand. The sand hardened around the kunai and my hand. I teleported back out of range leaving my kunai in the sand as the sand retreated I could see my kunai.

'My hand maybe broken but I still need to do this' I thought charging up my rasengan. Everyone gasped and cheered as the saw me use my fathers jutsu for the first time. I ran up to Graara'a orb and teleported inside of it. It was dark but my rasengan lit up the inside of the orb. Gaara seemed to be in prayer as I hit him in the back with my rasengan. I teleported back out side holding my broken arm as the sand orb began to crumbling leaving Gaara lying on a pile of sand. The crowd cheered as the proctor walked over to Gaara to see if he could continue. He stood up and raised his right hand

"Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze has won the battle." The proctor yelled. The crowd was silent and then erupted into cheering. I couldn't keep a smile off my face as I walked to the center of the arena to be greeted by my dad and the kazekage.

"Congratulations Naruto" the Kazekage said reaching his hand out for me to shake it. I went to shake it and winced in pain since I shuck his hand with my broken arm. This made him laugh as he looked over at Gaara.

"You did well" he said walking over to his son. He reached down to pick him up but was stopped by the sand as it swirled around Gaara

"NO" Gaara yelled through the sand "HE CANT WIN MOTHER WANTS HIS BLOOD" he said as the left side of he face emerged from the sand storm.

"Gaara calm down" his father said trying to stop the oncoming fight

"NO" he said as the storm stopped revealing that the Shukaku has taken over half of his body.


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