Inner Strength

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*Real Naruto

I kept running. Running away from all of the people who are trying to stop me. I need to conquer my fear of losing her. I ran to protect them all. I ran towards my problems and not away from them. I stopped in a clearing in the woods. I didn't know how far away from the village was but I thought it would be good enough for now. I pulled out a little bit of ramen I took from the stand before I left. I sat down and ate it as quickly as possible. I lied down after I finished eating

'Tomorrow is the day I stand my real training' I thought as I raised my fist into the air. A star shot through the sky

'This is for you Hinata'

*Clone Naruto a few days later

I was sitting at the kitchen table for the first time since Lady Tsunade came over when I heard the doorbell ring

"You would think I would learn not to sit here," I said as I stood up out of the chair and walked over to the door. I opened the door a bit surprised to see Shikamaru standing there.

"Morning," I said as I stretched my arms into the sky.

"Morning" He grumbled back as he walked through the door.

"Ok come on in" I mumbled to myself as he sat on the floor pulling out a shoki board out of his bag and set up the pieces

"It's my time to watch over you, and I want to try some new stuff you can play if you want," He said as he finished setting up. I was so excited for something to do, but I acted as if I needed time to think about it.

"Fine," I said as I sat down on the other side of the board. It started off slow, but soon piece after piece was flying off the board

"You are looking pail are you sick," He asked as he took my bishop with his rook.

"No I am fine," I said as I took his rook with my queen. A few more pieces were moved before we spoke again. Shikamaru looked at the board for a moment before he spoke

"Naruto, Asuma sensei once asked me a question and I want to know your opinion" He began "Who in this village is the king," He asked me. Asuma asked me the same question when I was younger and was just learning how to play. I snickered a little as Shikamaru stared at me

"All the people I care about," I said in a monotone voice. He looked at me with a small smile as he moved his queen a few spaces down the board

"Checkmate," He said. I knew he was going to win. He always does, but I needed one last move. I reached across the board and grabbed one of my pawns and moved it forward one space to put his king in checkmate with a knight on the board.

"That shows you how bad of a pawn I have been trying to protect my king," I said as I cleared off my pieces with Shikamaru in a bit of shock. I stood up and got a glass of water

"Thank you, Shikamaru," I said as I chugged the glass feeling a bit light headed. I felt all of my chakra being sucked away

"Damn it" I swore before I dissipated in a cloud of smoke

*Real Naruto's POV

I fell to the ground exhausted from my training

'Damn I overdid it' I thought as the memories from my clone flooded my head giving me a headache. I tried to stand up but my arms wouldn't support my body. I rolled over and crawled over to a tree that I could use for support. I managed to stand up and waddle over to a cave I saw in a nearby cliff side. I entered the cave and I let the darkness overcome me as I collapsed to the floor.

*Shikamaru's POV

"Damn it" I yelled as I found out the Naruto I played shoki with was a clone. I rushed out of the house and ran to the Hokage's office

"Lady Tsunade, Naruto got out somehow," I said

"What" She yelled as she dismissed the village elders from the office

"I was playing shoki with a clone," I said. She cursed herself as she punched the wall

"Get the other find him. Bring him back, by all means, necessary" She growled I rushed out of the office and gathered the other from my graduating class.

"We need to find him before he pushed himself any farther," I told them "We need to find Naruto now"

*Naruto's POV

I awoke to a strange purple light dancing across my eyelids. I opened my eyes to see a stream of purple, blue, and red orbs of all shapes and sizes flowing into the cave. I stood up and followed them as I nursed the arm I fell on. As I looked around I couldn't help but think I have been here before. My eyes widened as I entered a small room. A simple desk was all that filled the room. The room was held up by a large tree with its twigs decorating the roof and walls. A Senju clan symbol decorated the wall.

"This is where it all started Naruto," Someone said from behind me. I swung around with tears in my eyes to be met by a glowing silhouette.

"How?" I asked the voice as it materialized as reached a hand out to me. My father's hand touched my face as his body finished materializing.

"I knew you would come here," He said as a smile spread across my face. I have never felt myself cry so hard as I collapsed to my knees holding my left chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" I managed to get out from between sobs. I felt his hand lift up my chin bringing my eyes to his eyes.

"Come with me," He said as he stepped back into the flow of orbs that lead me this deep into the cave. I rushed to catch up never wanting to leave him again

'Is this real?'


First off phone fixed so update tomorrow maybe tonight and Wednesday, so yeah

2 sorry if all the POV changes were confusing but it felt necessary, and all will be explained in the upcoming chapters

Night Y'all

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