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*Naruto's POV

"YOU CRUSHED HIM" I yelled at Kurama who slowly lifted his paw.

"No, not yet," he said as Sasuke limp body dangled from his claws "But if that's how you want me to kill him-" Kurama said as he tossed Sasuke's body up into the air and caught it in his hand with his head just sticking above Kurama's thumb.

"No, I don't want you to kill him, " I said as I tried to stand up but was forced back down by the pain.

"Sorry kid my chakra has run out I can't help heal you," Kurama said as he dropped Sasuke to the ground

"I think it fine," I said as I looked out over the battlefield

"Look, " I said as I pointed at the cracks in the sky like it was glass, "I think the genjutsu is breaking, "

"Finally, " Kurama roared as he sat down and slouched his back in exhaustion.

"Hey, Kurama, " I said getting the beast's attention "Thank you again, "

"Yeah, Yeah just don't bug me for a while once we get back I am going to need some sleep," He said as he yawned. The Cracks began to spread quickly and cover the world around me like I was under a glass dome. The glass shattered and I was now surrounded in bright white light, and I saw them one last time. Together, and happy like they should have been from the beginning. I shot out bed gasping for air. I felt someone pushed me back down as I calmed down. I looked up to see Tsunade's panicked face

"Hey there granny how's it going," I said as she began to tear up. She quickly pulled me into a hug

"Just fine you pain in my ass," she said as hugged me.

"Hey, granny, " I said hopefully getting her attention "Crushing me, can't breathe." I choked out as she let go. I gasped for air again as I fell back down on the bed.

"Thanks, " I said as she laughed

"Sorry just happy to see you awake, " she said as she pulled a stool up to the bed.

"How long was I out?" I asked

"3 weeks," she said bluntly

"WHAT? It was only a few days there, " I blurted out

"There?" Tsunade questioned. I explained to her everything that happened to me over the past few days in the genjutsu.

"So are you friends with the nine tails now?" Tsunade asked

"I think so, at least he doesn't hate me, " I said with a smile on my face as I touched the seal on my stomach.

"Well, I will let you rest a little bit before I tell the other so prepare yourself, " Tsunade said as she stood up and walked out the door

"Thanks, " I said as I rolled over and closed my eyes. I woke up just as the last rays of the sun went below the horizon. I sat up stretching as I yawned.

'I don't know how I am tired. I slept for three weeks' I thought to myself as I as I got out of bed and got dressed in the clothes that were set next to me on the bed.

"Good to see you awake," someone said from the doorway. I quickly turned around to see Izumi standing in the doorway

"Hey, how are you here?-" I began to question but she ran off down the hall. I quickly pulled my shirt over my head and rushed after here pushing past a few doctors and nurses who yelled at me. I ran out the front doors of the hospital and began looking around for the brown-haired girl. I jumped when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Come on slow poke there is something I want to show you," she said as she ran off again. I continued to chase after her until she slowed down near a large stone with some engravings in it. As we got closer to the rock I saw Ms. Night sitting near it staring at it muttering under her breath.

"Where are we," I asked as I brushed my hands over the engravings on the stone

"This is the place where those who died in the war have come to rest," Ms. Night said as I came upon a familiar name


"I know her" I muttered as I stared at the name for a little while long thinking about where I knew the name from. After a good minute, it came to me

"She was one of dads students," I thought as I pictured the photograph of dads team in my head. There was Kakashi sensei another boy and a girl with brown hair and purple stripes on her face. I slowly turned around as I finally began to put some of the pieces together

"Rin?" I asked her. She quickly gave me a nod and a smile as Ms. Night slowly stood up from her seated position. She reached out and grabbed my hand and dragged it to another part of the stone. I looked at the name and it also seemed familiar


My mind went straight to the other boy in the picture who I could remember having an Uchiha clan symbol on his jacket

"My grandson was a good kid," Ms. Night said "He is just trying to do what he sees as right," she said as she began coughing.

"We need you to help him Naruto," Rin said as she grabbed Ms. Night's arm to support her

"Our Obito isn't a bad person he just has lost his way," Rin said as Ms. Night reached into her pocket and grabbed something.

"We need you to show him the right path again," she said as she held her hand out. I held my own hand out and she dropped in it a pair of orange goggles

"We believe in you Naruto" Rin said as she gave me a small kiss on the top of my head before turning around with Ms. Night and walking away into the wind. I stood there for a while just staring at the goggles before I stuffed them in my pocket

'I will save you Obito from the person you have become' I thought as I ran back to the hospital where Tsunade was waiting impatiently with Kakashi sensei.

"I know who Madara Uchiha is" I yelled as I busted through the door


Whoooohooo I'm back bitches


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