True protector of the leaf

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*Naruto's POV

"Dad stop!" I yelled as he was about to drive his kunai into my forehead. As he landed his kunai knicked my ear and he crouched over me staring at my face. I took this moment of hesitation to throw a quick jab to his nose making him stumble back. I picked up his kunai and prepared myself for another attack

"That was cheap kid," Dad said as he stood up wiping the blood from his nose. HIs mask has fallen and I could now see his entire face. I gasped as I saw a long scar down his left eye.

"How did you know I had a son," He asked

"Because I am your son," I said as I dropped his kunai on the ground leaving us both weaponless. Dad began to walk closer to me. I flinched as he began to pull at my hair

"Your mother told me you often dye the roots of your hair red to look more like an Uzumaki," He said as he turned away from me and jumped up into the tree where he first came from and grabbed a bag resting there.

"And if you are Naruto how did you activate the seal," he asked trying to convince himself that I was lying

"That's a long story," I said

"-and I guess that's why you are here. You need my help" He said

"Yup," I said with a big smile on my face

"Go home kid I can't help you," He said as he jumped into the trees

"Hey wait," I said as I followed him "If you just give me a minute to-" I began to say but he cut me off

"We don't have a minute leaf ANBU will be on your tail," He said as he began to run faster

"But-" I began to say

"Please go home I don't want you to get hurt because of me," He said as he kept looking forward emotionless. I got fed up with his interrupting and threw one of my kunai into the branch in front of us and teleported right in front of dad making him stop

"I am not from this world," I said making him stop from a minute. He stopped and thought about it for a minute

"That explains the weird moon and earthquakes," He said "Follow me explain later," He said as he continued to jump through the trees. I quickly followed after him until we came to the border of the land of fire and the land of stone.

"there is a hideout I use in the stone where we can talk it is about a days journey from here," He said as he raised his mask over his face. He tossed me a scarf and some old clothes

"How old are you 14? You should fit into those by now" He said

"I'm 15" I grumbled as I took my clothes off and put the new ones on. It was a simple pair of long brown pants, and a white tee shirt and a brown strip of cloth. I took my headband off and put it in my bag as I tired the brown strap across my forehead.

"We leave after the next patrol" Dad said as he walked off into the woods. I followed him and we began looking for food. A few minutes into digging for roots I wanted to start up a conversation.

"So how did you get the scar," I asked. He just ignored me and kept on digging

"Oh come on give me something," I said as I flung a little dirt at him. He shot me a death glare and I quickly got the message.

"Ok than something-" I began to say but once again he interrupted me

"The current Hokage gave it to me," He said as he stopped digging. I stopped digging as well hoping to further understand his story

"I heard you tried to throw a coup de'ta after lord 3rd died, but I don't get the feeling you would do that" I commented as I went back to digging

"No that is a lie," He said which caught my interest "The night of the nine tails attack me and lord third worked together to seal the beast into Kushina once again but the third Hokage gave his life in the fight. Exhausted from battle Fugaku seized this moment to take control. We fought but he won through pure energy alone, and I was banished but not before he slashed me with his blade" Dad said as he pulled a root out of the ground. We sat in silence before I broke the silence with my laughter

"What's so funny dumb ass" He yelled

"You're just so different from the dad I know but yet not," I said "You protect the leaf from the shadows because you can no longer be seen in the light right" I questioned. He sat there frozen for a moment then nodded. We sat in more silence until we heard a group of people approaching

"That's the patrol hide," He said as he disappeared from sight. I did the same following his chakra. I heard the voices begin to get further away. We jumped out of our bushes and rushed across the border into the land of stone. We ran through the night and until noon till we came to a small farmhouse. There was an old woman outside farming potato's when we arrived

"Minato is that you," she said

"Yes Ms. Night it is me, I brought a guest," He said as he took his mask off

: This must be your son I can tell from the hair" she said as she ruffled my hair

"PLeasure ma'am," I said with a smile

"What a cute smile please come in and close the door behind you. I did as the lady asked and closed the door as I followed my father down to a basement where he lifted up a layer of the floor revealing another layer.

"Wow," I said as I stepped down into the hole and dad lit some candles.

"Ok now spill everything you know about you being trapped here," He said. I began with Madara Uchiha and his floating orb to the present time. He sat there for a minute before he spoke

Well this is just great

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