Meaning of Death

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Naruto's POV

Our mission to rescue the Kazekage took a deep tole on the village hidden in the sand with the death of lady Chiyo after she re animated Gaara, but that was not the only death that day. Two members of the Akaski known as Dedira and Sasori had died during the mission. As the people of the sand village along with Kakashi and sakura celebrated the return of the Kazekage and the life of Lady Chiyo I had gone back to the bodies of the two Akaski members to give them a proper burial. I picked up the body of Sasori first to find him being held up by two puppet that had run him threw with two swords. I stood there looking at the puppet that killed him. Father, and Mother. Two simple yet beautiful puppets were used to fight in this massacre of puppets with parts lying left and right. I grabbed the body and teleported to where I had kill Dedira. I dropped Sasori's body on the ground as I stared at the boy I killed. He wasn't that much older then me yet he was dead, and at my hand.

"Death is so simple isn't it Naruto" I heard a voice say behind me

(Madara) I said turning around to see a man in an orange mask leaning against a tree. I dropped back into an attack stance while pulling out a kuani

"Now, now no need for that I am here to morn over two fallen comrades" He said walking over to me. I couldn't move as he bent over and puller a ring off of Sasori's finger. He did them same thing to Dedira as I stood there frozen in place.

"Death is the only thing guaranteed in life. It's sad, but all to true. For these two death came to soon remember that Naruto" Madara said as he walked over to me. He was now standing over my shoulder

"And their death was on you" He whispered to me. I finally snapped, and spun around ready to kill him to, but he wasn't there any more

'DAMN IT' I yelled at myself as I fell to my knees in defeat 'He is trying to get in your head Naruto don't let him'. Once I got a hold of myself I began to dig the graves for Madara's two fallen comrades. I was still at there graves when morning rolled around.

"Naruto" I heard someone say behind me. I spun around with my kunai out to see Kakashi and Sakura standing behind me.

"Naruto are you crying" Sakura asked. I quickly wiped the tears from my face shaking my head now as I walked over to them placing my hand on their shoulders teleporting us back to the leaf village

"Team Kakashi you are back" I heard dad say, but I didn't stay long. I teleported home to get some sleep, but like the night before it eluded me. Madara's word echoed through my head for hours until I heard a knock on the door.

"Naruto may I come in" Dad asked as he peaked through the door crack. I nodded my head yes as he walked in and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Kakashi told me what happened... During the mission with that one Akaski member Dedira" Dad said placing a hand on my knee. It was a struggle trying to hold back the tears thinking about it. The feeling I had when I killed him made me feel so good, yet I knew it was wrong. It mad me sick, and I don't know why.

"Dad... why do... I fee...l emp....ty" I asked trying not to sob. It took him a while but at one point he answered.

"It is never easy killing another person. hopefully it will never be, but in our world it is seen as necessary for survival, but I believe that there can be a world where we all live in peace" Dad said standing up

"Leftovers are downstairs for you, and I need that mission report by this weekend OK" he asked

"Sure" I said as he walked out of the door "Hey da...d Thanks" I said to him

"Any time Naruto. Any time" He said closing the door behind him. For the first time in the past two days sleep came to me. I slept through the night and woke up with the mid day sun shining on my face. I grumbled that I was still tired and rolled over to look at my clock. It read 2:54 pm.

'DAMN' I thought as I jumped out of bed and ran out of the house to see Hinata


Remember how I said I had he next few chapters planned out. I lied, well more like forgot that there were like 101 episodes between the Kazekage rescue arc and the battle with Pein. So I need more time but util then

My shout out goes out to Apollodaughter01 who told me that Lady Chiyo's brother's name is Ebizo. I didn't know that XD

And my last question. Does Naruto seem to be a bit OP now. I don't want this to become a god Naruto complex story so I can tone it down a bit. Comment your thoughts on whether I sould make him stronger, leave him the same. Or he is way to over powered.

night y'all

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