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time skip to the training before the final exams

*Naruto's POV

The preliminaries finished with Sasuke, and the boy with the red hair from the village hidden in the sand passed with out much trouble which scared me since they were up against tough opponents, but today began my training. I have been begging for years for my father to teach me this jutsu for years. The Rasengan. I have seen the my father do this jutsu before and the destruction left behind from it. As I was day dreaming about our day my father walked into my room to get me.

"Are you ready" He said with a smile on his face and a bag on his back. I jumped out of bed and ran up to him with the biggest smile I have ever had. We walked through the village together grabbing a few things along the way. The items looked weird with my father grabbing water balloons, rubber balls, and normal balloons. I didn't question anything he bought if it meant I could learn this jutsu in months time we were given to practice, and train. We walked to the outskirts of the village grabbing some food before we left through the village gates. We walked deep into the forest into a clearing. We both sat down as my father explained to me how his jutsu worked

"The Rasengan is a jutsu with a change in chakra form. It is a spiraling sphere of dense chakra that releases it's energy on contact" He said creating one in his hand. I stared in amazement at the blue sphere in his hand. He broke the sphere and reached into his bag pulling out one of the water balloons. He held it in his hand and squinted his eyes as I watched the water in the balloon whip in all different popping the balloon. My astonishment made him laugh as he pulled out another one placing it in my hand.

"Now your turn" He said patting my head and walking away.

'I got this' I cheered to myself jumping up and started trying to make the balloon pop.

-Time skip because training is boring :)

I ran to find my father through the village in a hurry pushing people aside. I ran up to his office to find Kakashi standing there next to my father. I quickly stepped to the side staying out of sight.

"Yeah he said he didn't need my training any more once I taught him the hand signs for chidori" Kakashi said

"Well let him be then if he says he no longer needs your help. Sasuke just likes to train alone." Dad said to him.

'Sasuke asked Kakashi to teach him chidori' I thought as they talked a little bit more. Their conversation got boring so I knocked on the door.

"Come in" Dad said. I walked in the door with a grin on my face pretending that I just got there.

"Can you do it" He asked grinning back at me. I held out the balloon and popped it. (BTW Naruto only needs to use one hand :P) Dad went on to tell me how proud he was that I was able to master it after one day. He told me about the next step, and I ran out of his room thinking about what dad and Kakashi were talking about Sasuke. As I ran through the forest I thought I passed a flock of crows nesting in a tree. I stopped my run as they flew away as lightning pierced the air. I looked through the trees to see Sasuke with his hand covered in lightning me ran towards a near by rock and plunged his hand into the rock. It shattered into many fragments. He turned around with his sharingan activated and looked strait at me. I quickly turned and ran away going back to my training. It was another two days until I was able to pop the rubber ball with a little help from jiraiya. Now I was on to the final step keeping the power contained in the balloon. This took me a while with controlling the nine tails chakra that was mixing with mine. Once I was able to control it was now time to try it out. My father met me in the woods the day after my training to see my work.

"let's see it" He said with a serious look across his face. I held my wrist with my palm facing up. I closed my eyes as a large blue sphere formed in my hands. I opened them to see my father making his own next to mine. Mine was bigger some how. He jumped back with the Rasengan still in his hand.

"Are you ready?" He asked making his Rasengan bigger to match mine. I looked confused at him as he ran up to me with his Rasengan dragging on the ground behind him. He reached out his hand as he neared me.

'He is going to hit me' I thought as I threw up my own hand to protect myself with my Rasengan still in my hand. The two of our jutsu's collided throwing us both back. I was able to stay on my feet as my father was thrown back into a tree. I ran over to see if he was OK, but my panic was greeted with a smile. Me stood up and held his fist out.

"Good jump" He said. I smiled back at him returning the fist bump. We both walked back to the village together as we neared our house my father stopped outside and stared at the clan symbols on the side of our house. One symbol the Uzumaki, and the other the Namikaze symbol. The air seemed to thicken as a serious look spread across his face. I walked back over to him and pulled on his hand. He looked down at me and the serious look turned to a smile.

"Naruto you are 13 right" He asked. I nodded my head yes confused about where he was going with this.

"I think it is about time I named the head of my clan" He said"And I think your mother would like me to give you the title as well" He said

(Wait now?) I asked in shock. My father has never talked about naming me the clan head before.

"No not yet" He said laughing "If you pass the Chunin exams I'll talk to jiraiya and Tsunade about it" He said. I jumped into his arms hugging him.

'I'll get my birth right, but first I need to beat Sasuke in the exams'

-Some where in the forest

*3rd POV

Sasuke charged up another chidori, but was to tired to maintain it. He fell to his knees panting

'I can't fail' He thought as he tried to stand up. He was to weak he fell back down. As he neared the ground someone caught him. Sasuke passed out in their arms. He woke up against the tree with a fire in front of him, but something was off. The flames were black. He had a note on his chest

-We need to talk


'This is it' He thought 'tomorrow I face my brother' Sasuke thought as his sharingan flared in the background of the black flames the burned through the night and into the next morning 

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