Leaving the forest

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*Naruto's POV

Saskue was covered in the dark marking I saw before when the tongue guy attacked him. I slowly was able to take in my surroundings as I could now see a sound shinobi on the ground with what looked like two broken arms.

'How the hell did that happen' I thought as the other two shinobi picked up their comrade and jumped away. The black marking receded into a marking on his neck.

'Did that man give that to him when he bit him' I thougth as Sakura semi carried Sasuke over to where I was resting under a grouping of tree roots. She had cut her hair for some reason, and looked tired.

"Naruto your awake" She cried out with a smile on her face. I smiled back, but winced in pain as I placed my hand onto the ground to get up.

"It's not healed yet just try and take it easy" She said laying Sasuke against the tree trunk. She helped me up and I walked out from underneath the tree roots. We all stood there in silence until Sakura spoke up

"We have one more day to find a scroll and make it to the center to pass" She said with little hope

"Damn it" Sasuke screamed while punching the tree. I had a big smirk on my face and they both thought I was crazy.

"What are you smiling about nerd we are going to fail this" Sasuke snapped at me. out of my back pouch I pulled out our scroll, and the one I stole from the last foe. They both looked in shock at the scroll

"How did you get that he ate his" They both said in unison. I looked at them with a confused expression. The scroll was in his back pocket I guess they were put under a genjutsu. Sakura ran over and hugged me.

"Don't get to excited we still need to make it to the center and with the injury Naruto won't be much help" Sasuke said/ My head perked up as I had an idea. I pulled out a scroll I carried with me and wrote out my plan. They both read it over and agreed. Sasuke with much complaining picked me up so that I was on his back. The two of me teammates ran as close as they could to the center. It was just thought the tree line and we could see a few teams of genin around it fighting or waiting for a fight. Sasuke put me down so I could lean against a tree as I pulled out a kunai for him. The plan was for him to throw it onto the building close to the door but not quite there so no one would see it. I would use the last of my chakra to teleport us there. He threw it and it was a few feet for the door. They both held my hand as I prepared to teleport them. This was my first time teleporting more then one person so I didn't know what was going to happen. I was already lacking in chakra so I hoped that everything would be ok.

'damn I should not have made all of those clones to get out of that snake, but it was still fun' I thought as I teleported us to the kunai near the door. It worked and now we were next to the building , but my vision got blurry and I couldn't stand any more. I fell to the ground and one of my teammates picked me up and carried me to the door. I heard some fighting and yelling as we ran to the door. We made it inside and the person dropped me on the ground.

"So what do we do now" Sakura asked. I pulled out the two scrolls and handed one to Sasuke and another to Sakura.

(Open them) I said. Sakura was now getting better at reading lips so she got it. She gave me a questioning look as she told Sasuke. He didn't argue for once as they both open the scrolls. A large puff of smoke appeared, and I was happy to see my dad standing there

"Good job you three on passing the second part of the exam" He said with a big smile on his face. Sasuke growled a little at the sight of my father, but I quickly tried to get up and to not show weakness when he was around. He walked over to me and helped me get up.

"That wound is serious" He said looking at everyone "We need to talk once the exam is done" He said as he teleported us into the medical unit stationed outside. Lady Tsunade was there and ran over to help me. She looked at my wound and quickly got to work

"That snake he used a chakra blocking poison" She growled as she began to push the blood in my arm out the wound. I winced in pain as I looked down to see a black liquid coming out of me mixed with blood. after a few more seconds of Tsunade draining my blood the wound began to heal with the help of the nine tails. Tsunade warped up my hand leaving me on the hospital stretcher that was set up. She was over there talking with my dad, andJiraiya.

'When did he get back' I thought as I got out of bed and walked over to them. I eased dropped on there conversation as I came up.

"why would he emerge after all these years" Tsunade said

"Well on my journeys I have come across news of a group called the Akatski, and I believe Orochimaru works with or for them" Jiraiya said much to my fathers dismay 

"We need to get him out of here and see what  he did to that Uchiha" dad said. He turned to walk away asJiraiya grabbed his arm

"Minato I have also heard that there is a man in the Akatski with an orange mask" He said. Panic filled my body as I pushed over the stretcher I was hiding behind 

"Damn itJiraiya" dad whispered to him as he ran over to me.

'Orochimaru knows him' I thought in anger 'I need to talk to him, now'

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