Madara Uchiha

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*Naruto's POV





Both groups jumped at each other. We collided in the center of the valley sending shock waves in all directions as my father collided with Itachi, and I collided with Sasuke. As our forearms made an X I spun into a kick. Sasuke blocked it why throwing his own kick. I teleported behind him kicking him to the water. He stopped himself propellling himself back at me. I blocked his kunai with my own as I pulled it out of my bag. He was able to land a punch on my as I had to use both of my arms to brace the attack. I went flying into the air as he weaved some hand signs.

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu" He said. I teleported behind his before the fireball could hit me. I shoved my palm into his back making him arch back. I went to sweep his legs out from under him. As his feet went into the air I kicked up to his back. He went into the air as I teleported above him throwing an ax kick to him. He had to use both arms to block the kick as his back smashed into the waters surface. I jumped back to the waters edge panting

'Almost out of chakra' I thought as I was slouched over panting. Sasuke stood up with blood dribbling out of his mouth. He struggled to stand up.

"I can't lose here, I can't lose" I heard him say "I CAN'T LOSE"  he yelled as the curse mark covered his body again

"Kurama" I yelled to my crazy friend as he reached his hand out again. The orb of chakra was not as big as before since my father tightened the seal. I was able to get one tail of chakra from the nine tails. I formed a rasengan as Sasuke's covered his arm in lightning. 

"Chidori" He yelled as he ran at me. I ran at him as well as I reached out my arm. Our jutsu's collided creating an orb of energy that rattled the entire valley. I pushed more chakra into my rasengan until it over powered his chidori. When Sasuke went flying back he was sent many meters into the wall. The curse mark was gone now leaving a half conscious Sasuke lodged into the valley side. I had enough nine tails chakra to form one more rasengan. I charged it up and jumped towards Sasuke. He had no energy to dodge he just stayed still accepting his defeat. I was about to make contact before I felt a presence next to me. Minato grabbed my arm before I could connect with Sasuke. I could feel a concerning aura around him. The nine tails chakra was gone and dissipated off my body. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Itachi standing there like he won the match. I heard a wooshing as I turned my face to see Sasuke being sucked into a black hole like thing. I looked back up at Itachi as I heard a simmilar noise. The unconscious body of Sasuke was dropped to the ground by a man I hoped I would never see again. 

"Well Itachi your plan failed" He said

"I am sorry master" Itachi said bowing his head to a man in an orange mask. I couldn't move an inch as fear covered my body.

'No. How? Why?" I thought as I fell to the ground trembling. My throat felt like I swallowed molten lava it burned so bad.

"Well Minato, Naruto we meet again" Madara Uchiha said staring down at us.

*Minato's POV

I gritted my teeth trying to control my rage.

'This is all his fault' I thought as Naruto fell to the ground.

  "Well Minato, Naruto we meet again" Madara said

"Why are you here" I growled at him.

"I am here to pick up my new student" Madara said with a laugh in his voice.

"No Sasuke is coming back with us" I said drawing out my kunai

"And why is that Minato, so you can feel that you redeemed yourself by helping him that by helping one boy it will redeem you for slaughtering a whole clan" Madara growled. I looked down at Naruto who was still shaking. He was curling up into a ball as all of the color drained from his eyes

'Oh Naruto' I thought as I prepared myself to jump. I was thrown off by Itachi throwing a kunai at Naruto. I dived to catch my tremblig son from danger and when I looked back up Itachi was holding Sasuke and being sucked into the transportation jutsu

"Until next time Minato" Madara said as he pulled himself into the jutsu.

"DAMN IT" I yelled as I held Naruto in my arms. I could feel his shaking. It was almost like he was having a seizure. I teleported us to the hospital where he was rushed into the emergency room. I was asked if I could go into the other room so they could check my injuries. I brushed them aside confirming them that I was ok. I spent three days at the hospital until the shaking subsided and his wounds were healed. Trying to control the nine tails chakra tore up his body. As I walked in it pained my to see Naruto still shaking completely pail. He flashed I smile at me that was quickly replaced with a wince of pain as he tried to sit up.

"Oh Naruto" I said rushing to the side of his bed. I helped him sit up through the pain.

(I'm sorry) He said to me as tears began to well up in his eyes. I just hugged him

'We need to talk about what happened, but not now' I thought pulling him closer into the hug

-Somewhere outside of the village

*Sasuke's POV

"Wake up Sasuke" I heard someone say as I slowly woke up. I looked around to see a man standing next to my brother.

"Who are you" I asked him

"Let's get started" He said turning and walking away 

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