The silent killer

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*Naruto's POV

Killer intent radiated off of the two Jonin as they fought with the battle going back a forth. Kakshi seemed to get the upper hand as he held his kunai against the rouge ninja's neck

"It's over" he said. Zabuza began laughing under Kakashi's death threat.

"Do you think I'm that stupid" He said as his body liquidated and transformed into a pool of water. He was now behind sensei with his sword drawn back. as the sword cut through my sensei he transformed into a pool of water as well.

'nice move' I thought as the battle ensued. Kakashi was kicked in the stomach into the water. As Kakashi pulled himself out of the water Zabuza was above him doing a series of hand signs.

"water style: water prison jutsu" He said as Kakashi was lifted out of the water in a ball.

"Damn" I heard Kakashi yell as he told us to get the bridge builder to safety.

'We can't run he will only follow us' I thought as he made a water clone to attack us. I looked over at Sasuke , and Sakura who both seemed to be in a little bit of a panic.

'I need to help them' I thought as I dropped out of formation and ran at Zabuza. I began by throwing one of my kunai near the bridge builder, one next to me, and then two at the seven swords men. He began to lift his blade to bloke the kunai, and blocked one of the two. the other one flew by his head which he paid no attention to until I was behind him with the kunai in hand going for the kill shot near his neck. He swung his sword around with an unbelievable speed for the size of it blowing me back. I was sent towards the water and used this as a chance to attack the real body. I  bounced off the water and threw another kunai along with a handful of shurikens at  Zabuza. He again lifted his massive sword and swung it through the air sending my shurikens and kunai back at me. I was mid teleport as he did this so then I came out of the jutsu I was back on the shore. the one second of confusion I had was enough time for the water clone to kick me in the side sending me back to my team. I struggled to stand up as a stream of blood came from my mouth. I looked over at Sasuke who seemed to be out of the initial shock of the fight and seemed ready to join. A smirk spread across my face as we jumped into action. No words were exchanged between us. We both knew the plan with out ever formally making a plan. It was just like the time we fought Kakashi together.

-flash back

I quickly teleported to Sasuke who was hiding in a tree. I startled him making him almost lose his balance

"Don't do that" he whispered

(Sorry) I said to him as I pulled him closer. over the next five minutes we hatched a plan about how to beat Kakashi sensei. All of the hatred between us seemed to disappear as we finished our plan. It seemed to happen in a flash as we both knew what needed to be done. between the two of us we thought of almost every out come and knew what might work and what might not. At first I thought it was going to be impossible to plan something this complicated with my disability, but it seemed as if we could read each others minds. Few words or the idea of word crossed between us. Before either of us could really think it over much more we were in our planned position. Sasuke was going to yell out the count down




-back to present time

"Go" Sasuke yelled as we both jumped into action. I ran strait Zabuza who seemed shocked at our sudden aggression. I made a shadow clone as Sasuke jumped into the air. My shadow clone fought in close range with Zabuza with his kunai drawn, but was quickly destroyed. I threw my kunai as I heard Sasuke call out

"Fire style: fire ball jutsu" He said sending a ball of fire at Zabuza. He used his sword to block the fairly weak fire ball, but this was not meant to be the finishing move. I teleported behind Zabuza swinging my kunai at him. He caught my wrist shattering it in his hands. I cried out in pain as I went up in a cloud of smoke revealing that it was a shadow clone. The real me was standing back waiting for the right moment. as Zabuza had both of his hands occupied with his sword in one, and my shadow clone in the other I threw my kunai. It went strait through the clones head making it fall to the ground in a puddle. Me and Sasuke stood over the dead clone looking at the real body.

"Well, well little boys play ninja actually know a thing or two" He said drawing his sword. I was the first to act throwing my kunai across the water hoping to get near the rouge ninja. He did the same as before sending it back with the pure force of his swing.

'Damn it' I thought taking a step back.

"Naruto" Sasuke whispered to me "Do you have a demons shuriken with you?" he asked making sure that Zabuza didn't hear. I nodded my head yes as I began to pull it out of my bag. Sasuke shot his hand down grabbing my wrist stopping me form pulling it out.

"Make a few shadow clone first" Me said with a smile on his face. I smiled back with an idea of what he might be thinking. I made four shadow clones who all sent kunai and shurikens at Zabuza. He blew them all back again along with the shadow clones. Some were destroyed as one landed on top of me. I fell back transforming into a demon shuriken myself as my clone threw my transformed body at Sauske.

'this will work' I thought to myself as Sasuke threw me along with another shuriken. The plan work as I got behind Zabuza Throwing a shuriken at him forcing him to drop Kakashi.

'It worked" I thought to myself as I bobbed in the water to tired to swim back to shore. The battle continued with Kakashi using his sharinagn to copy Zabuza's movements and Jutsu's. Before we knew it the battle seemed over as Zabuza lied helplessly.

"This is your last battle" Kakashi sensei said to Zabuza before two senbuns went through Zabuza's throat killing him. A hunter ninja took him away thanking us for our help. As we turned to continue our journey to the wave both me and Kakashi fell to the ground exhausted from the battle. The next thing I remember is waking up with some strange kid standing over me.

Authors note

So if the end of the fight was confusing for anyone I kind of rushed it and put little detail in it since I thought it should be like the anime so go re-watch that if you can't remember the fight :)

and note for Aoimoku7875

hope this cleared thing up a bit for the planing stuff that happens. I have an idea for later that will better explain it, but you'll just have to wait :)

Night everyone

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